Chapter 10, Things start to bubble...

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*No one's POV*

Jimin had fell asleep on Yoongi's lap, the infected still blocking the front door blocking the three from getting out. Yoongi's hand had found itself stroking Jimin's hair, he didn't know how it got like that but he didn't question it.

"He beautiful isn't he?" Jungkook asked which brought Yoongi out of his trance. He noticed Jungkook was looking down at Jimin with stars in his eyes. "Something about him just, I don't know. It makes me feel different then when I was with Tae."

"Yeah well don't try anything on him. He's sensitive," Yoongi said and pulled Jimin slightly to him more. "Aren't you still into Tae anyway? You keep running your hand up his thighs."

Jungkook laughed as he looked out the door, wanting to get out of the shop they were trapped in.

"I thought I was as well," Jungkook said and moved some wood. "Wake Jimin up, the entrance is clear."

Yoongi nodded and went to shake Jimin, not before just gently tapping the younger who started to stir. Once filling him in, the three got ready to run once the door was open. A few of the infected was still hanging around to which they spotted the group.  

The only thing the group could do was fast walk because of Jimin's ankle, Jungkook had already offered to carry him on his back. Radioing in Namjoon, Jungkook asked them to meet half way to make it easier on Jimin although he tried to say he was fine.

Half an hour of walking, and Jimin almost bursting into tears because of the pain they finally spotted the walking rainbow that is their group. Jungkook yelled and started to bounce from delight seeing them. Taehyung had started to run to them followed by Hoseok. 

Jungkook ended up colliding with Taehyung ending up on the ground while Hoseok ran to Yoongi and Jimin. He crouched down and turned to his back to face Jimin. "You're an idiot, get on right now," Hoseok demanded. At first, Jimin didn't want to but he turned around and saw the infected had grown so he listened and climbed on.

The group ran to the olders, Namjoon smiling seeing the three were more or less alright and they all took off. Jimin found himself watching the passing area, some parts looking familiar to the point he thought it was when he was with Suho and the rest.

He heard two mumbling to each other and turned, seeing Yoongi and Jungkook being close and almost like they were ready to burst into a argument. "Don't mind them, they argue like cat and mouse," Hoseok said and moved Jimin up slightly. "They've both taken a shine to you ya know. Don't blame them, you're hot."

"W-What do you mean?" Jimin said getting red in the face from the sudden compliment.

"Yoongi never tries to spend his time with anyone, and he does with you. He's never spoken with a gentle tone with anyone, he does with you," Hoseok said and looked to Taehyung. "And Jungkook, his eyes become star struck when he saw you. I think he's just confused at the moment."

Jimin felt bad now, they were gonna have a fight because of him.

"Don't feel bad by the way, hell even Jin says you're good looking and he's partnered with Namjoon," Hoseok joked but it didn't make the younger feel better. 

More and more walking, the seven never saw a place to crash and the sun was starting to come up. They had traveled all night. Namjoon finally saw something, a small warehouse on the edge of the city. 

He makes the choice to get the group to rest there, so he urges them to there while himself and Jin started to clear the infected behind them. Yoongi took the lead into the warehouse, with Taehyung right beside him. The first room they came two, was full of metal pipes and a few bags of cementing paste.

Hoseok placed Jimin down, stretching out a little and smiling when his back cracked and sent a echo. "Alright. Tae Tae stay here and watch over Jimin while the rest of us make sure this place is safe," Hoseok said and Jungkook pouted but got pushed away by Hoseok.

Jimin felt awkward, he hadn't spoken much to Taehyung so with him being so close to him. His arm was basically sitting on his thigh. 

Meanwhile, Hoseok saw how close Yoongi and Jungkook were to basically going at each others throats. Yoongi was trying so hard to keep his hands to himself, blood coming from his palms from digging in too hard. 

And on Jungkook's neck his veins were starting to show as he glared into the back of Yoongi's head.  

The rest of the warehouse was clear so the group made their way back, just to find Jimin and Taehyung laughing about something. Yoongi smiled at them, turning to see Namjoon and Jin coming in slightly covered in blood. 

"Alright looks like we stay here for now. Get some rest boys because tomorrow we make a move again," Namjoon said and disappeared somewhere. The group turned to Jin, who shrugged his shoulders and took a seat next to Hoseok who began to talk while trying to wipe down some of the blood. Yoongi went to go sit, before his wrist was grabbed and he was dragged away.

"Seems like Jimin has found his new buddy. Sure you wanna interrupt?" Jungkook asked with a smirk on his face. 

"You jealous of Taehyung or him?" Yoongi asked before he shoved Jungkook's hand off him and went towards the pair. He let them talk as he silently sat beside Jimin, finding a book to the side and placing it over his face wanting a little time to sleep.

He felt something touch his hand, making him look down and seeing a hand. Which was Jimin's. Yoongi gave him a side smile, as the younger blushed and intertwined their hands not noticing the little blood Yoongi had drawn from digging into his own palms.

Bubble bubble, the boys are in trouble. Well not right now anyways, but things can change fast when you have infected chasing you all the time.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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