Chapter 7, Questions...

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All seven were sitting in the living room, Jimin staying clinging to Yoongi with Jungkook to his right. "So are we just gonna sit here in silence....or what?" Jin asked as he took a drink of his tea. The night was getting more harsh, the rain was pouring on the building and wind was going mad.

But it was a plus, because moving around in the city made it more harder for the undead to hear them. "Alright then, maybe we can talk about Jimin!" Hoseok clapped and smiled towards the younger. He slid behind Yoongi to try and hide himself. "Oh I did't notice! You're wearing Namjoon's gloves! Why's that?"

"I er um...he g-gave them to me," Jimin mumbled as he locked eyes with Hoseok.

"That's weird, he never gives his gloves to anyone except Jin," Taehyung said and put his hand to his chin. 

Namjoon coughed gaining their attention and folded his arms. "What I do with my gloves is my choice, and just because I gave him my gloves it doesn't mean anything," Namjoon said and looked at Jin. "I'm thinking on doing another run tonight before lights out, wanna come with me?"

Jin looked at Yoongi and Jimin, slightly nervous that the personalities of the rest of the boys would be a bit overwhelming for him to handle. But he didn't feel comfortable with his Namjoon going out there by himself again.

"Sure alright, but we can't be too long," Jin said and got up. He wondered over to Jimin and crouched down placing his hand onto Jimin's shoulder. "They're fine, trust me."

The two left the room and the building, a silence before Hoseok clapped his hands and got up. 

"Alright, I will be right back!" Hoseok yelled running out the room.

"What about being left back!?!" Taehyung called out and the room burst out laughing with Jimin trying not to fall over. 

Hoseok came back into the room and reviled a deck of cards, not before throwing a slipper at Taehyung first. "We can play cards, and the winner gets to ask Jimin a question, and the same for when he wins. He can ask us anything, it's a good way to break the ice."

"You alright with this Jimin?" Yoongi asked while rubbing the back of Jimin's hand. 

"I-It would be rude for me to say no wouldn't it?" Jimin shrugged and Hoseok smiled bouncing towards them 

"But I have a rule, you come sit with me away from Yoongs!" Hoseok said and held Jimin's hand as he brought him up fro his seat. Jimin looked terrified as he looked back as Yoongi who smiled nervously and shrugged his shoulders.

Jimin was sat down next to Jungkook who was blushing near the older, as Hoseok passed out the cards. It was a game for everyone had two cards, one up and one down. They had to try and make 21 and if they wanted, they could get another card from the deck. However if they got past 21, they would go bust.

Taehyung was the first to win, and looked awkward as he thought of something to ask that wasn't too sensitive. "So um....h-how old are you?" Taehyung asked and rubbed his arm.

Jimin smiled, happy it wasn't anything big.

"I'm 24," Jimin answered.

"Wait what, we're the same age!" Taehyung jumped and went to fist bump him. Jimin laughed and met with him, Taehyung face turning into a box shape as he smiled. 

They jumped straight into a new game, with it becoming a draw between Yoongi and Jimin. 

"You ask me something then Jimin, I'm all good with this," Yoongi said and winked at Jimin making the younger panic on the inside.

"S-So, um, why is your hair that colour?" Jimin asked. 

"The reason my hair is this colour is because I was half blue half green, but for some reason it kind of molded together and now since hair colour remover is no where I'm stuck like this," Yoongi said and Jimin giggled a little, covering his mouth when he realized the sound he just made.

Yoongi wasn't complaining, he loved it.

The night went on, the boys not asking anything too embarrassing. Apart from Hoseok asking Jungkook if he and Taehyung ever slept with each other.

However, it took a slight turn for when it turned to Jungkook winning.

"Alright Jimin, I know this is kinda a hard question. But have you ever killed someone you loved?" Jungkook asked gaining an elbow from Yoongi.

Jimin's face changing, he ducked his head down feeling the heat from his face starting to roll down his face. He started to shake, thinking about how he is basically a murderer to his best friends.

The fact he watched his best friend slowly die in front of him, to have to be the one that stabbed him in the head to prevent him becoming the undead. 

Jimin started to hyperventilate thinking about everything, sweat started to drip and Yoongi couldn't stand to watch him. He stood up, grabbed Jimin's hand and started to walk out. "Out of line Jeon," Yoongi growled as the younger ducked away.

Once in a different room, Jimin let it all out. Choking on his on sobs as he had a bear grip on Yoongi's shirt. "T-The pain...i-it's too much..." Jimin mumbled and his tears were going through. "Why...W-Why did this have to happen?" 

Yoongi had no words, saying something would throw the younger more into a fit. So he just does what he can, placing a hand on his back rubbing up and down with another hand on the back of his head.

"Shhh Jimin, come on now. Let it all out," Yoongi whispered. Jimin felt warmth in his heart, for some reason Yoongi soothed him. Like Suho used to when he woke up crying seeing his mother in his dreams. Soon enough, the cries turned into sniffles and Jimin calmed down. "You alright now Jimin?"

Jimin made a small sound as he moved away, but not fully from Yoongi and kept his hands on his chest. 

"Your shirt is all wet...I'm sorry..." Jimin mumbled and Yoongi just laughed at him.

"Never be sorry for crying to me. From now on, you ever feel like you need to cry. Come find me, grab me and take me to a different room," Yoongi said and Jimin had never felt so safe. When he looks up, he sees Yoongi smiling at him which made him feel like he had butterflies in his stomach. 

A large knock at the door brought the two away from their embrace as they looked at the door. Another knock came to the door which was enough for Yoongi to draw his gun and bring Jimin behind him.

The next minute Namjoon and Jin came running in and tried to hold the door shut with arms trying to get in. 

"Get some fucking weapons!!!" Namjoon screamed and the two took off to the others.

Protect him!!!! Honestly this story will make me sad from what I have planned. 

Do you guys think Jimin can overcome his trauma?

Did Jungkook go too far asking that?

Will the boys survive this attack?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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