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Alfred woke up to the seething pain of a thousand needles pricking his skin. His eyes flung open, and he took a quick breath in. His mind couldn't focus on anything, and his brain was overriding from the sudden blast in his pain senses. He could hear speaking as it seemed to be, and a familiar 'Caw'ing over and over again.

He quickly tried to stand, but found it difficult as some sort of force was pushing him back down into a sitting position. Voices continued speaking, and the cawing continued until he was picked up bridal style.

As it was something he had never experienced before, the feeling of flying whilst not using his wings, he started to struggle.

"Hey! Hey calm down! We aren't going to hurt you!" Gilbert said, his grip tightening around the other. Mathew flew closer to the two and also began begging for the guy to calm down. Freedom, who was currently riding on Gilbert's back, jumped onto Alfred's stomach and snuggled into his jackets fluff. A sense of recognition donned over Alfred and he stopped struggling, much to the relief of the albino and other blonde. Freedom looked over towards Mathew, then back to Alfred. "CAW! Cawwww!" She crooned, snuggling deeper into the fluff.

     "What?! We do not look alike!" He sputtered before glancing back over at the blonde. His wings were drooping underneath them, as it would be uncomfortable if they were being held as well. And for another thing, they were just too big to carry along. Mathew sighed. It was going to be a long flight.

     Alfred woke up again, this time in a warmer environment with a thick blanket covering him. He felt the familiar pressure of Freedom snuggling in the nook of his arm, which did a lot to calm down the ever-growing panic that was taking him. Even with the help of the blanket on him, he shivered.
     Slowly, ever so lowly, he pried his eyes open, and was surprised to see a reddish stone ceiling above him. It was so unlike his usual grey, which did more to worry him. Because he was most definitely certain that he had fallen asleep in the snow-

He had fallen asleep in the snow.
     His eyes widened. He had fallen asleep in the snow! He knew that was dangerous, and yet he had fallen asleep anyway! What was he thinking? Well, he probably wasn't considering he remembered being mega tired. So how did he get here in the first place? Did he get a sudden spurt of heroic energy? Did he suddenly unlock secret hero powers that allowed him to teleport? Whatever the case, he was in an unfamiliar location.
He glanced back down at Freedom, who was calmly sleeping. She looked peaceful, and Alfred knew that if she was worried she would be, you know, freaking out. He trusted her. Also, he was just too confused to really act. So he let himself stay there for a few more minutes, just trying to wake himself up.
It was strange. He found it difficult to move in general. He quickly pieced together that it was probably because he had fallen asleep in the snow, once again he scolded himself for the mistake. Despite that- he began to move. Trying to warm up his muscles. He found that a warm rag was on his forehead- how he hadn't noticed it before was beyond him- but that also meant that whoever had snatched him up was just there.
Freedom- sensing her friend's distress- woke up, yawning and clicking her beak. She looked up at Alfred, eyes widening, and then she started cawing like crazy. She started rubbing her head against Alfred's chest, flapping her wings in a hug-like manner, and just acting like a parent would to a child. Which was basically what she was.

      "Oh hey! Your awake!"
Alfred twisted his head towards the voice, groaning in discomfort when his neck burned.
"Woah hey, take it easy! You should still be pretty sore!" The voice- Alfred had a difficult time distinguishing the owner's gender- fretted. Gentle hands guided his head back to a pillow, careful as to not cause strain on his neck muscles.
"Mattie! Did the awesome me hear you say he's awake?" An obnoxiously loud voice asked, the host running into the room. So his rescuers were also avians? WAIT HIS RESCUERS WERE ALSO AVIANS?! Alfred's eyes widened at the revelation, and he unapologetically stared right at the two of them.

"....Caaaaaaaaaw" Freedom groaned, nudging Alfred with her beak.

"Ah- Freedom?"

The bird deadpanned.

"Oh- yeah right," he nodded. He turned back to his rescuers. "Uh, well. Thank you for. Well. Saving us." He thanked, smiling sheepishly.

     The louder of the two laughed. "Well of course! The awesome us couldn't just leave a fellow awesome avian behind!" He grinned, propping his hands on his hips. The other nodded along, snuggling into a polar bear Alfred somehow hadn't noticed. "I'm Gilbert, by the way! But you will call me 'Your Awesomeness!'" The albino introduced.     
     "I-I'm Mathew. And you don't have to call him that." He held onto one of the polar bear paws, waving it to him. "This is Kumajiro," he said. "Nice to meet you, eh." The small bear said.

'Yeah sure. Talking bear why not,' Alfred moaned to himself.
     He looked at the two, realizing that they were waiting for him to introduce himself.

"Oh! I'm the hero, Alfred! And this," He said, motioning to Freedom, who was standing proud with her chest plumage all fluffed up, "Is my awesome partner, Freedom!"

     As soon as her name was said, she let loose a large cry, wings flapping out to show off her impressive wing-span. Alfred, caught up in the sudden excitement, went to flap out his wingspan too. As he did, he felt an intense burning sensation, along with something constricting his feathers, so he let loose a cry of pain.
     Mathew and Gilbert rushed over, "Hey hey! You shouldn't be movin' around to much! The awesome me did a lot to help you heal, but your muscles still need to defrost!" He warned. Mathew nodded along in agreement. "What were you doing in the mountains anyway?"
     Alfred looked up at the two. "I heard voices from across the ridge, so I went to investigate! Duh!" He aid as though it was common knowledge.
     Gilbert pumped his fist into the air, "KESESESESE! That must have been the awesome us! And we probably heard you!" He cheered.

      "So like. Dudes. Why didn't you like. You know. Come over before?" Alfred asked, cocking his head to the side.

     "Well, the ridge is mostly cautioned as off-limits as an unspoken rule here. No avian has ever made it across and told the tale," Mathew explained.

Alfred's eyes widened to the size of baseballs. "Other avians?!" He all but shouted, eyes sparkling.

Mathew and Gilbert looked at him funny. "You act like you've never seen another avian before. What happened to the others?" Mathew asked.

Alfred's smile dropped. "...what others?"

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