♦ Ch 1, Gen 1: San Myshuno

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Corentine Reynolds and Fillis Bee stepped out of the taxi, looking up at the Medina Studios Apartment building within the art district of San Myshuno. The weekly rent was a bit high, but the two girls felt confident that their new jobs would be more than enough to handle the amount, and Corentine's new boss had been kind enough to pay the §800 deposit for them.

The two exchanged an excited look before rushing into the building, their bags slung over their shoulders as they stepped into the elevator. Both of them grew up in the small town of Willow Creek, so living in an apartment was a whole new experience for them. Neither girl had any plans to leave their home town, despite hating how boring it was there - nothing exciting ever happened and everyone knew everyone.

The call had come out of nowhere. Corentine had just returned from the grocery store and was about to start cooking lunch when the phone rang. The woman on the phone claimed to be from S.M. Publishing Group, LTD., one of the top publishing agencies in the world. Her boss had stumbled across her blog and was impressed with her work, so he had his secretary reach out and offer her a job. At first, she believed it was nothing more than a prank call and after verifying everything, the woman gave her a two-day deadline to make her decision.

Now, Corentine has dreamed of being a Bestselling Author since she was old enough to read, so this was quite literally a dream come true! She couldn't refuse. After explaining everything to her best friend, Fillis, the pair agreed to move in together in the big city of San Myshuno, where they would begin their new lives.

Fillis nudged her in the side as the elevator stopped on their floor. "Nervous?"

Corentine smiled, following her dark-haired friend off the elevator. "How can I not be? I've dreamed of this my whole life, but I never thought it would actually happen. I feel like I'm dreaming,"

Fillis reached forward, pinching her arm

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Fillis reached forward, pinching her arm.

"Ouch! What did you do that for?"

She grinned, "You can't feel pain in dreams, right? There's your proof that it's not a dream!"

Corentine smiled brightly, nodding her head. "Yeah, you're right! This is so exciting~"

"Come on, let's check out the apartment! I doubt the pictures did it justice,"

The hallway inside the front door was long, holding three doors before it opened up to a small kitchen on the right and a small living room on the left. The first door on the left side of the hall led to Fillis' room, while the next door down led to Corentine's room. On the right was a small bathroom.

Fillis wrinkled her nose. "You'd think for §1,000 a week, it'd be a little... nicer."

Corentine rolled her eyes. "You're only saying that because you're materialistic. We just have to make this place our own, you know?"

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