Doki! Doki! [Kasumi X Fem! Reader]

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-Quick little message, replace 'MC' with your name. Comments from Author at the end-

|Kasumi's POV|

I walk up the short steps that leads to the Café, noting the scent of coffee, tea and pastries. I search the area, and find a certain person alone with a book. "Hello~! I'm here~!" I say loudly, placing my hands on the girl's shoulder. "Huh!? Oh, Kasumi! Hello!" She greets, as I sit opposite of her. "Did you already eat? I got here a little late." I say nervously. Little would be an understatement. The girl sighs and shakes her head. "No, you're only fifteen minutes late. Which felt like forever." She says, a tight smile on her face. My heart drops a little. "Fuee~! I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I grasp her hand in mine and squeeze them. "He-hey! Okay! I forgive you, hahaha. You're so adorable." She says with a smile. "Thank you, MC!" I say with a smile and a blush, still holding her hand. "Come on, I'm hungry! I didn't eat because I knew you'd be late." MC says as she lets go of my hand and stands up. I sigh and stand up as well, following her to the counter.

|Reader's POV|

After ordering, I sit down and take Kasumi's hand again. "Kasumi, why were you late?" I ask curiously. "Eh? Are you still mad?" Kasumi asks sadly, bowing her head slightly. "What? No," I shake my head, "I told you it was fine. I'm just curious." I squeeze her hand softly. She looks up at me and smiles, purple eyes sparkling. My heart dances in my chest. Those eyes are so bright. And her smile always makes my stomach fly. "Well you see, my clock was all wrong. When I checked my phone, I realized I was late." She says with a shy smile. I laugh softly. This is the person I love. "Well, it's not your fault. Don't worry to much, Kasumi." I smile and squeeze her hand again.

After five minutes, we got our food and began eating. Kasumi got a small tower of macarons, twenty macarons stacked into a tower, along with a medium size lemomade. In front of me, is a piece of cake and lemon tea. I grab my fork and began eating. Kasumi is eating macaron after macaron. "Ah! I forgot!" I look up in confusion. "Want one, MC?" Kasumi asks, holding out five macaroos. I take the five macaroons and place them on the plate, along with the cake. "Thanks, Kasumi. Want a piece?" I ask, and she nods eagerly. My heart pounds, as I blush softly. I take a small piece with my fork, and give it to Kasumi. Her eyes light up again, taking the sweet bread. She munches on the cake, cheeks puffing out and a pink blush on her cheeks. I blush as well, brushing a strand of brown hair from Kasumi's face. "Wow! That was so good! I should order that one next time!" She exclaims, beaming brightly. I smile back, poking the piece of cake.

"You want another macaron? It's the last one!" Kasumi blurts out, holding a pink macaron. "Eh, I still haven't eaten the five you gave me earlier." I reply, not wanting to steal Kasumi's food. "What? But, there's only the cake." Kasumi says with a smile, pointing at my plate. I glance down, and sure enough, there was only the piece of cake.

"Kasumi, did you eat my macarons?" I ask jokingly.

"Whaaa-? I would never do that!"

"Yeah you would."



"Ha~! So you want the last macaron?"

"Hmm...okay. Thanks, Kasumi." I take the macaron, and begin munching. I glance up and see Kasumi staring at me intently. "Kasumi, are you okay?" I ask worriedly. Kasumi grins and shakes her head. "I'm fine. But, you always look adorable when eating!" Kasumi smirks, crossing her arms. My face goes red, feeling flustered, and I stuff the macaron in my mouth. "Hmph! Thank you! You're cute too!" I pout and cross my arms. "What? Well, you're even cuter!" Kasumi pokes my cheek full of macaron crumbs.





"Okay, well you're more beautiful." I hit her with the best compliment. I smile and Kasumi's cheek are dusted with a faint pink. "Yes! We are like a power couple!" Kasumi exclaims, smiling widely.

|20 minutes later|

I wrap my arms around Kasumi's neck, burying my face in her shoulder. Her arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close. "Kasu, today was fun. Thank you." I mumble into her shoulder, rubbing circles into her back. I hear her giggle. "It's always fun with you, MC!" My face flushes red, as I hug Kasumi even tighter. We both stand there, in front of my house, in each other's warmth. At last, I pull away and smile. Kasumi smiles as well, eyes shimmering. "Tomorrow? I promise I'll be early this time!" Kasumi puffs her chest out with determination. "Okay, but you're gonna be early!" I beam at her.

|The next day|

|Kasumi's POV|

I yawn and stretch in my bed, before getting up and going to my closet. I search through my clothes, and find the cleanest and plain shirt I could fine. I mentally check off what I got. This time, I'll be early! I look in the mirror, and stand up straight. "Alright Kasumi, your girl is counting on you!" I stare at my reflection. My heart pounds in my chest. Thinking of MC always causes my heart to race. I smile at the memory of yesterday. MC hugging me, and her warmth. "Kyaaa~! I need to stay focused!" I turn on the water for the shower, and quickly get ready.

|20 minutes later|

I hold MC's hand, as we walk down the sidewalk. Occasionally, people pass by us. Some would stare and whisper. Of course, they aren't used to lesbians. I feel a gentle squeeze of my hand, and glance at MC. Her eyes are bright with joy, as she stares at the stores across the street. "That one, Kasu! I want anime merch!" She exclaims, tugging at my arm. I laugh and press the button to cross the street. "Do you still have a crush on Hatsune Miku?" I ask jokingly, remembering MC's Vocaloid phase. "Oi! She is amazing! And no! I've grown out of it. Plus, I have Kasumi!" MC pouts, puffing her cheeks. "Okay, okay. I did collab with her though." I mutter under my breath.


"Nothing! Just that...You make my heart go 'Doki! Doki!'" I grin, making a heart with my hands. MC blushes and crosses her arms. "You make my heart go doki doki, Kasumi." I smile and pull her close. As we walk the street, I can feel MC's warmth.

My heart goes Doki Doki for you, MC.

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