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He sighed a sigh of relief.

He felt like he could breathe again after holding his breath for so long.

"I thought I would for sure fail," Yoongi said looking down at the test. Taehyung nodded. "Same, swear this man put shit we didn't even learn on here." The brunette nodded in agreement.

"So how're things with your mystery lover?" he said leaning back in his chair. Their teacher had given them free time for the rest of the class period.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the mention of the boy. "We haven't even talked in like two weeks."

Taehyung made a noise of surprise. "Why? Did you guys fight?"

The brunette shook his head. "No, kind of ghosted me." It was out of nowhere. Just one day Jimin stopped responding to his texts. He avoided him in the hallways and he hadn't come to the house anymore, not even to simply hang out with Namjoon. Namjoon was spending more time out of the house whether it be at Jungkook's house or his friend Jin's house.

"What a bitch," Taehyung mumbled. Yoongi just shrugged. He figured the blonde had just gotten bored of him. He did expect this to happen at some point, Jimin would never fall for someone like him, but he did expect the boy to at least verbally cut things off. Give him a little explanation hell he could have simply said that he wasn't feeling the arrangement and Yoongi would be satisfied. He wouldn't lie it did hurt a little.

"So what you're available now?" The blue-haired questioned.

"I've always been available. It was a friend with benefits situation so," he shrugged, "why?"

Taehyung leaned in close to his ear to assure none of their nosey classmates would hear his next words. "Well I was talking to Hoseok and I think he might be interested." He pulled away wiggling his eyebrows.

Yoongi scrunched his nose up. "Really?"

"Well damn. Not interested?" He asked taking his reaction as negative.

The brunette shrugged. "No, it's not that I'm not interested. I just never thought that could be a thing." It was the truth. Whenever he spent time with the redhead he never got the vibe that the other could even remotely be attracted to him. "If anything I thought you two would get together."

The blue-haired male pursed his lips. "Really?"

Yoongi nodded. "You two are way closer. You two would be the most adorable couple."

Taehyung looked down picking at his nail cuticles. "You think so?" His voice was soft and sounded almost like a shy child.

The seventeen-year-old smiled. "Yeah, you should make a move," he said patting the older on the shoulder.


The boy shivered, cupping his hands over his mouth exhaling in an attempt to warm up his nose. The weather was significantly colder now that it was mid-December. Winter break approaching soon giving all the student body a time to refresh their tired brains.

The soccer player still forced to practice in the icy climate. Their season didn't end till a couple weeks after they returned from vacation. That meant Yoongi was stuck waiting around in the cold unless he wanted to walk home. He had his own license but Namjoon and he shared a car but it was more Namjoon's than Yoongi's.

His eyes lingered over the boy that had been ghosting him for the past two weeks. He was waiting for the opportunity to catch him alone so that he could talk to him. Yoongi wouldn't beg him to continue the arrangement. If Jimin wanted it to be over that was one hundred percent fine. He just wanted to clear the air so things wouldn't be awkward between them. He wanted to be able to talk to him and be friends. He didn't want the boy to hide when he spotted him in public.

Luckily, he didn't have to wait long for the opportunity. It was about halfway through practice when the boy went running to the locker room all by himself. Yoongi figures it was as good of a time as any seeing as the rest of the team was still going over drills.

He grabbed his bag slinging it over his shoulder as he took long quick strides in the direction of the locker rooms. When he entered his nose immediately scrunched up. The smell of sweat mixed with cologne lingered in the air. It was a smell that appeared to never want to vanish.

"Jimin?" He calls out. His hand gripped tightly onto the strap of his bag. He peaked his head around the corner see the male sitting on a bench in front of his opened locker. He looked paler than usual, almost sickly pale. His hair was disheveled sticking up and every which way. "You okay?" The brunette asked concerned.

The boy looked up. His face contorted in discomfort. "Yeah, I got dizzy. I can't practice any longer or I might pass out." He muttered. His hands icy cold as he tucked them between his thighs.

"Oh," Yoongi mumbled taking a seat beside him. "So I wanted to talk to you," he states. He turned his body so he had one leg on either side of the bench.

Jimin raised a brow tilting his head to the side. "About?"

"You ignoring me," he said leaning his face close to the male. "If you wanted to stop this you could just say so."

The blonde opened his mouth only to shut it. He sighs through his nose. "S-sorry. It's not that I want this to be over. The opposite really." he stood up. He picked at his cuticles. "It's just that some stuff came up and I've just been really busy."

Yoongi stood up his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. "Yeah?" he whispered. He grabbed the man's forearm running it up and down. "So we're good?"

Jimin nodded his head nibbling on his own lip. The brunette smiled leaning in not noticing the reluctant look on the other's face. None the less the teenager melted into the kiss his hand gripping onto Yoongi's waist.

It felt like not even a second had gone by when a loud gasped seemed to echo throughout the room. It only took a millisecond for Yoongi to find himself on the ground, an ache on his bottom from the harsh landing.

"What the fuck!" He finched at the ferocious tone that erupted through the blonde male who was moments earlier fine. "What do you think you're doing, faggot?" he said with disgust as he wiped his mouth over and over as he attempted to get all traces of the male off of him.

Yoongi looked behind him. His heart dropping when he sees who had caught them. Of course, it had to be the biggest homophobe. The brunette took in a sharp breath as he turned to look at his secret lover. His eyes pleading for him to not do this. The boy only looked at him as if he was the dirtiest of cockroaches.

"What's going on here?" Johnny asked looking between the two. His little minion, Minho, standing close behind him.

"This twink kissed me!" the venom oozed out of him. He shivered. "I'm gonna throw up." He complained as he grabbed his duffle bag. Jimin stepped over the male walking over to his teammates. It wasn't till he was behind them that he turned to look at the boy on the floor. "Stay the fuck away from me."

The look of betrayal almost made Jimin want to run over to him and pick him up. But he didn't. Instead, he turned around leaving the boy in the hands of the two teens that he knew would harm him. But he had to. If the truth came out they would both get their asses kicked. It was better it be Yoongi than him.

He had to protect the little being inside of him.


I don't like this much but oh well.


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