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"Wow," Taehyung whispered. "What'd you say?"

"I said I'd think about it but I don't know what to do. Advice?" The blonde mumbled picking at a loose string on his shorts. The redhead leaned his head to the side facing the opened door looking out into the hallway whispering "is he home?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No, he's out."

The teen nodded "okay, well I think it's up to you. I see both sides. Like I know how scary it is coming out but I also get your side so I don't know. Do whatever you think is best for you. If you want to do the," he put his fingers up to do air quotes. "Trial run. Go for it. Sleep with him but if you don't, don't do it." He paused for a second. "Just be careful. I remember how much he played with you before he got pregnant. He kept telling you, you guys couldn't sleep together again then he would be the one to go to you. I just... I just don't want him to try to manipulate you or I don't know, use you."

Yoongi hummed. "We've been fighting a lot lately. Not even about this but just about small ass things and it's getting on my nerves." He groaned leaning on the window seal. "We literally argued about what to dress Naomi in the other night. It was the stupidest thing especially cause she ended up having a blowout and we had to change her not even an hour after."

"Maybe sexual frustration?" Taehyung joked. He got an eye roll in reply. The blonde took a deep breath. "What if he is just using me?"

Before Taehyung could answer a loud whine was heard through the baby monitor that quickly turned into cries. The two boys made their way down to Jimin's room where Naomi had been napping. "Hi baby," her father whispered lifting the crying infant out of her crib. Her cries only amplified when he changed her diapers. "I know darling. You hate it but you're all clean now," he mumbled placing a kiss on her little nose once he was done.

"Hold her while I make her a bottle," he passed the baby to his best friend.

"Where is Jimin anyways?" The boy rocked the hungry baby.

"Doctors. He's getting a birth control implant thing in his arm," he shrugged his shoulders shaking the bottle in his hand to mix the formula and water together.

"Oh," the boy whispered. "Looks like you're not getting a sibling anytime soon," he said the baby who only looked up at him with a scowl.

Yoongi scoffed. "I don't think I'll be agreeing to the trail run," he mutters. "So probably be no way unless he wanted to sleep with someone else."

Taehyung raised a brow. "You've made up your mind? Just now?"

The blonde groans "no," Yoongi tugged at the root of his hair. "I want to be with him. I do I just... even without the label my feeling are still there meaning there's still the risk of getting hurt. I," he sighed handing the boy the bottle to feed Naomi. "I'm scared."

The redhead pursed his lips. "You really don't trust him."

"I want to." He frowns. "I-I just don't know how far he'll go to hide the truth about Mimi and I. For all I know he'll get a whole ass girlfriend. Maybe sleep with her."

"Wow," the two boys jump at the new voice making them turn to the kitchen entrance. "You have so little faith in me." Jimin dropped the car keys on the kitchen counter. "I've told you so many times I wouldn't do that."

"Okay, we're going to daddy's room so that papa and he can talk alone," Taehyung spoke in a baby voice to the one month old who was still happily drinking her milk. He glance between the two before walking out with their daughter.

Yoongi stared blankly at the brunette he leaned against the counter waiting for the angered boy to talk. "Why can't you trust me when I tell you I'll be dedicated to just you?"

He shrugged his shoulders running his tongue across the top row of his teeth. "Words, Yoongi."

"Because it's you," he said simply with another shrug.

"Because I'm me? W-what's that supposed to mean?" The volume of his voice rose. He could already feel himself getting worked up.

"Jimin," he sighed rubbing his temples. "You weren't the most loyal guy in school. You're a fuckboy, Jimin."

"I am not-"

"Everyone knows who you are. I've met countless girls who talk all about you only to find out their friends were talking to you or have slept with you. Now those are with girls how are you going to act if I was your boyfriend," he cut him off.

"What does that have to do with anything? That's in the past. Things have changed!" He exclaims.

"Has it though? You were flirting-"

"Stop bringing up the flirting!" Jimin shouted his face getting red. "It was flirting stop acting like I committed fucking murder! I didn't do shit. It meant nothing!"

"Well according to you, You'll respect me and be loyal to me but-"

"I will!"

"You weren't at that moment! In fear of getting caught so how am I supposed to know you won't do anything if someone starts getting suspicious." His voice getting quieter at the end of the sentence. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"I won't do something like that. You have to trust me," Jimin pleaded.

"How can I trust you when last time you almost got caught you outed me. You didn't give a fuck about me in that moment so," Yoongi tilted his head to the side. "How can I trust you?"

Jimin stared at him, his lips parted and eyes full of hurt. "You said you forgave me," he whispered.

The blonde licked his lips looking up at the ceiling.

The brunette nodded his head. "I- wow I thought we were past that," he poked his tongue against his cheek. "I had to do that, Yoongi. You know that. Johnny would have beat the shit out of me. I was pregnant with Mimi. The fuck would you have preferred? That I lost her? You have no right to hold that against me," he slammed his hands against the counter. His voice cracking.

Yoongi stayed silent taking a few deep breaths leaning his head down so he was staring at the floor. "Whatever," he mumbled standing up straight to walk out of the kitchen.

"No, not whatever!" Jimin shouted grabbing the boy's wrist pulling him close to him. "I'm sorry okay. I don't know how many fucking times I have to say that but I am. Please just-"

"Jimin, you are so fucking selfish," Yoongi whispered close to his face. "I get why you did it. That doesn't stop the consequences that it had on me. Do you know I'm literally terrified to go back to school? There were days I could barely walk from how bad Johnny and his- your friends hurt me. Don't you think I had a little bit of a right to be angry, to be hurt, and to be hesitant and worried you won't pull a stunt like that again to protect yourself." He pulled his wrist away from the boy. He took a deep breath trying to calm down. "I have forgiven you but I-I can't forget you did that. Now you want to be friends with benefits and honest it kind of feels like you just want me for sex."

Jimin bit his lip stopping it from wobbling. "I'm sorry," he cried out. "I don't know what else to do. I can't take it back all I can do is prove to you I've changed but I can only do that if you let me." He grabbed the boy's hand tightly pulling him closer to him. "Please. Yoongi, I don't want you just for sex. The only reason I brought that up is because you don't want to be my boyfriend and if we were friends with benefits it gives me an excuse to be able to kiss you and cuddle you and do all of that even when you aren't my boyfriend."

"I'm tired of fighting, Jimin," Yoongi sighed.

"So am I," the younger replied. His hand both clutching onto Yoongi's much larger one.

The boy stared down at their hands having an internal battle about what he wanted to do.

Should he reject Jimin all together?

Should he at least give him the chance he's been begging for?

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