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There was a time when Namjoon and Jimin were once inseparable. Growing up Jimin's mother would constantly have to drive him to the older's house. They had sleepovers almost every week. They went to the same school, they were in the same soccer league, etc. There was even a time Jimin had developed a slight crush on the boy of course at the time he never wanted to admit that. He was raised to think it was wrong so he just saw it as an idolization of him since in his eyes he was so perfect. He was smart, funny, attractive. But of course, he never told him he had all these thoughts and feelings. Namjoon wasn't gay and he truly didn't want to risk their friendship being damaged even if he was but alas here they were.

It was odd, at least for Jimin it was. He missed the boy deeply even though they were currently living in the same home. He constantly wanted to approach the boy and apologize but every time he even stepped foot in the room the other made a quick exit. He's lived in the house for three weeks and he has not seen a single grain of progress between them.

Jimin was doing online school now since he and his mother deemed it safer with his father's warning, so he couldn't even see him during lunch when his group of friends would overcrowd a lunch table. Even if he didn't speak to him it would be nice to be around him but that didn't seem plausible.

The teen felt regret. Not about sleeping with Yoongi or being pregnant but over the fact that he didn't even consider telling Namjoon as an option. He kept replaying the argument over and over in his head. Neither of you trusted me. Those were the words that really stuck to him. He never told Namjoon he was bi when he finally came to realize it, or when he started his friends with benefits relationship with Yoongi, he hid his pregnancy from him as well. The older was his best friend yet he never told him any of it. Jimin's believes that that was what Namjoon was the angriest about. Maybe he wouldn't have been the happiest when he knew he was sleeping with his brother but he was sure he would have gotten over it.

But he kept secrets from him for months. Now that he wasn't sure the elder could get over that any time soon.

"Feeling a little better?" Yoongi asked. He was sitting on the toilet seat lid while Jimin was in the bathtub. Today the pregnant boy had woken up in a sadder mood than usual. Part of it was his longing for his best friend another part was his pregnancy hormones going crazy. Upon hearing about the down mood the father-to-be decided to do something a little nice. He drew Jimin a bath using a bath bomb his mother had under her sink and snatched her bath caddy tray to put his laptop on so that the teen could watch a movie while he sat in his bath. He also bought him a few of his recent cravings in case he wanted to eat after he got out.

"Yeah," Jimin whispered. "Thank you." His hands played with the surface of the pink water. He sighed trying to keep the frown from his face. He didn't want to be ungrateful. The bath truly warmed his heart. It was a nice gesture but today nothing seemingly lifted his mood.

"It's okay if you didn't like it," the brunette chuckled, "It was a stupid idea anyway."

"No! It's sweet. I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." He pouted with watery eyes.

It reminded Yoongi of a toddler trying not to cry. "Shh, It's okay. Do you want to get out?"

The boy shook his head wiping at his face, only getting it wetter. "No, I haven't been in here so long a-and-"

The brunette grabbed a robe. "Come on, I think you need sleep."

Jimin didn't argue. "Look away," he whispered waiting until Yoongi turned his head to stand and get out. Once the robe was on he let the teen grab his hand and guide him to his room where he got dressed in his pajamas and was bundled up under his blankets. "Lay with me" he mumbled when Yoongi was making his way out of the room.

The boy didn't hesitate to agree and plop himself beside him. His hand was taken and placed on Jimin's growing belly in an instant. Jimin loves when he caressed it, he hated when anyone other than the father touched him, it made him feel like the father and his unborn child's bond was growing. He often asked the teen to talk to their baby as well so the baby would recognize his voice when it was born. "I'm scared," Jimin admitted as he placed his hand over his. "I don't know how to raise a baby."

"No one does when they become parents. I'm sure your parents didn't know when they had you. My mom didn't know how but we turned out alright." He reassured him. Truth be told Yoongi was scared too. "We will do this together."

"I don't want people finding out," the blonde said.

The brunette furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

"I don't want people knowing about him or her. I wouldn't be able to handle everyone bashing our baby." Yoongi opened his mouth to reply but Jimin raises his hand to stop him so he could further explain. "Look at how people treat you and Taehyung. The things they say about you two. Especially Taehyung because he had the genetic now imagine hearing people talk the way they talk about him about our baby. I don't want to hear it much less see people treat her or him like that when it's older. Do you?" His eyes teary at the thought of his child being bullied for something they couldn't control.

"Of course, I don't but what do you suggest we do?"

Jimin sighed closing his eyes. "What if- what if we keep it a secret?"

"How would that even work?" Yoongi asked genuinely curious.

The teen bit his lip. "It wouldn't be forever. I just- what if we move out of this town. Somewhere less conservative. Obviously, not now but maybe after graduation. We can talk about places later on but we could get an apartment together a-and be like roommates for a while. Your parents already offered to support us financially as long as we get our college diplomas so maybe they could help us."

"Jimin," he sighed running his fingers through his hair. "This is a lot."

The boy pouted covering his face. "I just think it would be safer. My dad basically threatened my mom and me about people finding out. Kids are going to be mean to it because of us being guys a-and I just-"

Yoongi shushed him when the boy became too overwhelmed. "Okay, okay. We'll talk to our parents about it." He caressed the boys cheeks wiping the corner of the boys watery eyes.

"She'll be our little secret for now," Jimin sniffed.

"She?" The brunette questioned with a small smile.

"Just a feeling."


Yoooo our boys are mad talented the album is amazing. On and the video spectacular.

Anyways please let me know what you think about this chapter. Thought? If you enjoyed please give it a vote.

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