Logan pov
I have been at this school for 2 years now and I would say I know everything that there is to know about this school and I definitely know when there is a new kid and today happened to be one of those days he walked in and... damn he's hot... no no I'm not going to fall for a guy that easily again... I-I don't want to be hert again...
Patton POV
I'm st my new school and the teacher Mr.Thomas as he in sisted I called him. sat me by a boy who was... omg he's cute O///w///O... no I don't have time i can't do that... but can I be his friend? He turned to me and said "greetings and salutations welcome to Sanders high as you may already know the most Prestigious and amazing school on this side of the country I am Logan Barry but you can call me Logan." I said "hi there Im patton pup. Yes pup as in puppy but you can call me patton!"
3 rd person
Logan would stare at patton every time he got the chance and patton would do the same thay decided to have lunch together
Logan POV
"Excuse me patton but would it intrest you if I said you could sit with me and my friends at lunch? " patton looked at me with the most adorable smile in the history of man kind and said "I would love that" I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach as my friend Roman put it when I helped him get his boyfriend virgil.
Patton POV
I don't want to say I'm in love but I'm head-over-heels for Logan just imagine "Patton Barry " it really has a nice ring to it but I may have to cut lunch short with my new friends because of my brother...