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It was only nine at night but Alessandro was light-headed and drown in his thought.

How he lost with Roberto, how he had the worst day with several shitty encounters with shitty peoples? Even if the music were loud and people where crowded in the pub, Alessandro was alone and hollow from inside.

He had lost a battle today and it was first ever in the life time. He even had to walk on a stinky suit that a dumb girl ruined.

He could still remember her moist eyes with tears when he yelled at her in front of everyone in the open corridor. He did not spare a time to throw her out of the hospital in a minute. But why was it bothering him and feeling the burn in his chest?

He never thought he would be so much affected by his own words. He was bitter to everyone and he knew it.

"You are drunk too much."He shook his head and muttered himself.

As he lifted his body from the stool and made his way to his car he thought he was sober enough to drive. He opened his car door and started his engine but little did he know something was fishy about his car.

Driving a few minutes away from the bar he had a feeling of nuisance and he tried to stop the car but to his luck it was not working. He was starting to lose control over his car just then a bright light came from another direction and hit his car hard flipping it over the road.

As the car rolled towards the edge, the driver from the truck dialed the number informing his job was done and drove away from the accident spot.


It was already nine at night when Bianca bid her bye from Roma and the orphanage, she did not find any bus to her room and had to walk all the way up to her flat.

While walking on the road she saw a fire burning  not later a blast in the direction she was heading. She speeded her legs to find what was happening. Just as she reached the place she found someone lying near the blast. He must have been a struggle to get out of the car. But fortunately he had succeeded before the blast.

As she neared the area, the victim was breathing heavily. She turned his head and had the shock all over her face.

He was the one who yelled at her this morning, the very one who threw her out of her job. 'Should she help him? 'She had it on her mind.

With closed eyes and heavy breath Alessandro pleaded her for help but the only word he uttered before losing his consciousness was...  "Please, Save Me."


With blood all over her hands, Bianca stayed out of the operation theatre begging to save the life who snatched all her hope. Her only focus was the person who asked to save him was breathing and alive.

Life was full of mysteries, just in the morning who was showing off his wealth and power was lying the operation bed fighting for his life. Who could have thought the one whom he threw away would bring him to the same hospital.

She continuously tapped the floor and rubbed her hand making it redder. She was praying for his life even if he was ruthless towards her.


Around three hours later, a man came juggling towards the operation theatre. He was the same man from the morning who was calming the other.

As he turned his head, he saw her and was astonished from the sight. "Did you bring him here?" He asked politely to which she nodded.

"How did you find him.?"

"Road... Lying... Bleeding..." She uttered.

"Thank you for bringing him here." She nodded for his appreciation and went back to praying with her trembling hands.


Night turned into the morning but the light in the operation theatre was still on. How long should she be praying for his life? How long should she remain intact to the chair just to hear positive news from the doctor inside?

"You- should take some rest, you have not blinked your eyes since last night," Darren said to her but she shook her head.

"I will wait until the operation is over," She answered.

"Why do you care? He even insulted you yesterday and fired you from your job?" Darren questioned her.

"He- asked me to save him and I would be restless if I could not do it." She reasoned and Darren sighed.

"He must have done a good deed in his past life that he stumbled with you in this life cause in this whole life he has been nothing but a ruthless jerk to everyone." Darren chuckled.

"Aren't you his friend?" She stared at him with confusion.

"The one and only but sometimes I can't even get what is going in his head and yesterday was one of the day. He was about to get what he wanted for his whole life but it blew away and you were the one to get his wrath." Darren explained.

"I see." Bianca nodded her head.

"Don't worry I will make sure you return back to this hospital, as a reward to save him," Darren said.

"Only if he survives the operation," She muttered to which Darren squeezed her hand in hope.

"He will. He is a fighter."

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