XI. Moving on

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~~~~ALIRA’s POV~~~~


What a looong and tiring day! I thought and sighed heavily.  Then, I smiled.

I realized that I was like an idiot in here sitting alone in this coffee shop sighing then smiling. Good thing I am reading a book right now though I really can’t absorb anything about it. Tsk.

Well, it was actually a long day because a lot has happened. I met people who most likely are part of my lost memories. I can’t help but to be excited for tomorrow. Though I know that I’ll still be always facing Aldie’s anger mainly because of those guys, I still feel happy knowing them. Part of me feels like it is becoming whole again.

Grrrrr. Aldie Harris! That guy! I was distracted earlier and I forgot to ask him that question. I’ll make a brain note about it and ask him the moment we’re together again. Hehe.

Suddenly, I feel a tingling sensation. I thought that someone was just looking at me (that made me feel that way) but jeeesh! I remembered that I just wanted to pee and forgot about it till now. And besides, who would look at me right? A skinny and colourless girl like me? Ha! Foolish girl. Tsk.

Then, I felt another stare coming in front of me. I look at the person in front of my table to see who it is and confirmed that it is a guy. He’s holding his sunglasses and is looking at me. Is he really looking at me? Me? As in Me? Nah. That can’t be true. I just smiled not knowing what to do and started reading my book again.

Few minutes after, I felt that tingling sensation in my stomach continuously flowing to my body. Oh yeah, I forgot, I needed to pee. So with that, I headed straight to the restroom. I don’t know if it’s just my imagination or what, but this guy in front of my table is really looking at my direction and to where I am headed. What is his problem? Well, looking at him in my peripheral view, I can say that he’s really beautiful so I doubt that he’ll have interest to really look at ME. I just shrug the thought.  

Errr. Fine! I can’t just push my thoughts away of this guy! I am actually trying my best not to look in his direction. Pii-Bii told me once that staring is rude and people might misinterpret if I look at them too long so I am putting all effort I can gather to not look into his direction again.  Jeessh. Am I having a crush on him? I rush into the cubicle.

Aya, Aya, calm down! Check your watch now and calm down. What?! Almost 7PM. Aldie might be here already. I searched my wallet for my phone but can’t find it. Stupid Aya! You left it on your table. God, I hope it will not be lost. Please! I rush outside and was about to stumble because I saw this person’s back. Jeeesh. So lean and so muscular. I can also see his neck with silver necklace. My eyes keeps on looking at his back, his neck then back to his back for I don’t know how many minutes already. I felt attraction from my body wanting to get close to him. I felt like, I wanted to hug his back. Urg!

What the hell Alira Freya! I felt my face heated so much. I went back inside the restroom and counted five long seconds to calm myself. I think I am hyperventilating. My God! Really?! What is happening to me?!

Count Aya. Count!

One... Two... Three... Four...

Four and a half.... I sighed heavily than my usual sigh...


There. Very good Aya.

I opened the door and saw my phone’s light blinking in my table. Thank God it’s still there. Bet its Aldie.

I headed straight to my table and directly answered my phone without looking at this guy anymore. I know that if I look at him I might not be able to control myself any longer. And my God! In front of these many people and Aldie over the phone, I can’t look and sound like an idiot!

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