Part 5: It all Ends Tonight

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Gonta was about to wrap the toilet paper around Miu's neck..but something happened...
She and dodged Gonta's snatch, got behind Gonta, grabbed another weapon that looked like a knife, and slashed Gonta in the arm. Gonta was taken aback and dropped the toilet paper. Miu took the chance to stab his back as well.
It all happened so fast, Kokichi needed to process everything, and when he did, he saw Miu standing over Gonta, both hammer and pocket knife in hand, and Gonta's back bleeding and a gash in Gonta's arm.
" actually went along it Gonta..huh.." Miu had a cold, dead look in her eyes
"G..Gonta so sorry!" Gonta pleaded, he started to sob
Miu just stared down at him with thay crazed look in her eyes
"I know Gonta, it'll all be over soon, just stay still"
Gonta continued to sob as Miu raised the hammer over her head
Kokichi didn't know what to do, he was just standing there, doing nothing! All he could do was watch. He yelled "DON'T KILL HIM!"
Miu looked up at him, the hammer still in her hands
"I know..."
Kokichi was taken aback " did.."
She roled her eyes, looking annoyed
"I attached a mic to your avator so I could hear you, and it seemed to work like a charm."
She gave a wicked smile
"Then why..Why kill him! Kill me, that was your plan right!"
"Yeah..but I might as well kill both of you off, so you won't say anything in the trial. Besides, no one will care if you die anyway, you're alone Kokichi..."
Kokichi's heart dropped. She was right, he was alone, no one loved him.
He dropped to the ground and didn't say anything
Gonta was still sobbing while whimpering to himself "P..please Miu...Gonta so sorry...Gentlemen never hurt friends..and Gonta was idiot to forget.."
Miu just looked down at him and said "I know Gonta"
Gonta turned to Kokichi and said his final words
"I'm so sorry..Gonta idiot.."
Kokichi muttered "No..Gonta you're not-"
But it was to late, she swung the hammer,and with a couple hits at Gonta's head...he was gone.
Kokichi stared at his lifeless body as Miu walked over to him
"It's a shame, but you understand...right."
Kokichi was silent. He just wanted to die. If he looked at Gonta's lifeless body any longer, he would throw up. Gonta's eyes were shot open, it he was starring right at Kokichi.
Kokichi closed his eyes and waited...but he heard something

He opened his eyes, and saw his classmates; Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, Tenko, Maki, and Kiibo.
They saw Gonta's dead body and Miu standing over Kokichi with the hammer.
No one moved, not even blink. One second later, Maki was at Miu's neck
"...what's going on-" Miu punched her, kicked Kokichi to the side and jumped onto the railing
Keade yelled "Miu, what's going on!?"
At that moment, Miu had realised what she had done..she looked up at her classmates, tears in her crazed eyes snd said
"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough.."
Kaede ran to her, but Miu jumped off the railing, into the hard snowy ground.

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