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"Show me your powers." Thor requests. I take a deep breath and allow my hands to be engulfed in the dark green flames. "Whoa!" Thor gasps. I start freaking out as I lose control of the flames and they start to quickly travel up my arms. "Shit!" Loki gasps. I shut my eyes and attempt to extinguish the flames. It takes a few minutes but I manage to put out the flames before they can reach my head. "You're going to have to stay here for a while untill you can control your powers. Come on we can go get some of your clothes and you can say goodbye to your father." Thor says as he walks to the door. I nod and turn to Loki. "Stay here. If they see you they'll try to capture you or worse and I don't want you hurt." I tell him. He nods and Thor and I leave. We walk through the city and to the rainbow bridge which Thor has now explained leads to the bifrost. We walk across the bridge and to the gold globe. We enter the bifrost and moments later we land in the field behind the Avengers facility. As we walk through the field I hear Wanda and Pietro calling for me. I look around for a moment untill I see them a little ways away by the door to the facility. I run towards them and tackle Pietro to the ground. "Holy shit!" he gasps. "Where the hell have you been?!" Wanda shouts. "Asgard." Thor tells her as he walks over to us. "What's Asgard?" Pietro questions. "Its one of the nine realms. Apparently it's where my mom came from." I tell him as I stand up. He stands up looking even more confused. "Where have you been?" I here Tony yell from behind us. "Asgard." I tell him turning around. "Why?" he asks. "Come on I'll explain it once we find everyone." I sigh. We head inside, find the rest of the team, and sit in the living room. Thor and I explain what's happening and ask if anyone has any questions. "So your a god?" Steve asks. I nod. "Of what?" Clint questions. "Hell and fire." I explain.  "Which aside from my father is the most powerful type of god." Thor adds. "What are your powers?" Tony asks. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and allow the green flames to engulf my hands once more. I hear everyone aside from Thor gasp. "As far as I know that's all I can do." I tell them. "We best get back to Asgard before the sun goes down." Thor says. I nod and head to my room to pack. When I'm done I say goodbye to everyone and Thor and I leave for Asgard. When we get there we walk across the rainbow bridge and to the castle. "Your quarters will be next to Loki's. I am right across the hall if you need me." he says as we stop in front of 2 sleek black doors. I look across the hall and see another door. He opens the door closest to us and leads me inside. I set my suitcase down on the bed and thank Thor. He nods and leaves me to unpack.

A few minutes after I finish unpacking I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout. The door opens and Loki walks in. "What's up?" I ask. "I wish to show you Asgard." he tells me. "Ok." I say as I pull on my shoes. We walk out of the back of the castle and in to a large garden full of vibrant flowers. "Whoa. Loki this is beautiful." I sigh. "Oh darling this is just the beginning." he laughs as he pulls me away from the garden. We hike up a few mountains until we come to a clear blue lake with a water fall. "Holy shit." I sigh as I look at it. "Come here." Loki tells me as he walks over to the water fall. He steps on a ledge beside the water fall and disappears behind it. I follow him and end up in a large cave. "Over here!" I here Loki shout. I look around but don't see him. I light my left hand and look around. Finally I spot him near the back of the cave. I walk toward him and extinguish the flame in my hand. He laughs as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the cave. We climb up the side of the water fall and sit on the ledge above it and watch the Asgardian sun set.

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