ShivIka Confrontation

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Old Warehouse

They were walking towards each other when they saw each other. They had a deep eye lock and the world stopped...

S- Anika

A- Shivaay

Anika was the first one to break the eye lock after a while and turned to leave but was stopped by Shivaay as he caught her hand. She turned around and her beautiful brown orbs met his gorgeous blue green ones and they had a long, deep painful eye lock filled with accusations, pain, longing and questions.

S- Anika he said but it came out as a whisper

She got out of his hold and started walking towards the exiting door. She tried opening it but it was locked. Shivaay slowly started walking towards her. He was in front of when he lessened the space between them and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes smelling his scent but got brought back to reality and pushed him with all the energy she had left in her.

A- stay away from me Mr Oberoi

S- Anika he said hurt after hearing Mr Oberoi from her

S- Anika listen to me

A- why should I listen to you Mr Oberoi she said very coldly

S- its Shivaay

A- Mr Oberoi

S- Anika there is a huge misunderstanding between us created by that Roop bua so just listen to me please Anika

A- no Mr Oberoi I do not want to talk to you about anything regarding anything so just show me how to get out of this place

S- let's leave that and talk as maybe we won't get another chance to clear this misunderstanding

A- why should I listen to you

Saying this Anika started walking towards the second exit in which Shivaay came inside through but it was locked as well

A- anybody there!!

S- Anika we are in a forest do you really think there will be people walking past randomly at the middle of the night

A- you just keep quiet please. Anybody there!!

S- why did you not tell me about our children?

Anika was shocked at the sudden question as she was really not expecting that at all

A- what?

S- why.... did.... you... not... tell.. me... about... our children.. Anika!! He said dangerously slow as his temper was rising

A- chil... children

S- yes Shivika and shivaansh our children

Anika was quite and this made him angrier


A- why are you shouting at me like I kept the truth from you

S- that's exactly what you did

A- no I did not, I came to Oberoi mansion every single year right before the twins birthdays but.. She was cut of by Shivaay

S- Lies!, why did we not meet till now then

A- because of your new wife

S- which new wife... oh pooja

A- I don't care what her name is

S- I am still waiting for an explanation

A- I would come every single year before the twins birthday but your new wife would chase me away after insulting me, telling me I am a gold digger and that they are not your children

S- and you listened to her, why

A- I have something called self respect you know

S- you could have come in with your head held high as it was still your house Anika

A- my house... really Mr Oberoi when you got a new wife so how is that house still mine

S- I never married pooja

A- I saw it with my own eyes Mr Oberoi

S- it is Shivaay for you and the marriage was fake ,are you even listening

A- nope not at all Mr Oberoi

Shivaay pulled Anika close to him and she landed on his chest and they had their special RK pose

Anika pulled away from him and banged on the door so hard that it opened. Once it opened she ran outside but Shivaay caught up to her.

S- Anika everything was planned by roop bua and I did it to save your dad's name and respect. I even chose you over my family this time. I did not know that you were there at that mansion with us. And about everyone being happy happy with pooja was also fake as Roop bua told us to smile and be happy.

A- why should I listen to you but after hearing everything I have one thing to say which is why did you not trust me enough to tell me about it or did you not trust this relationship Shivaay she said looking straight into his eyes

Precap: Shivaay trying to get Anika back with kids help

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