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quick description for you! ofc it's you but with some extra fun features! your a dragon demon! Chinese dragon to be specific! you have a long black tail with fur running down it and your spine.  and furred ears on the side of your head! (look up chines dragons for a visual reference!!)


"I hate early mornings"
I huffed rubbing my eyes. the sun was just barely coming up. I walked down the empty streets of hell, pacing the same route I always do to my apartment. I was up all night on a hit, damn I'm tired.


"quiet you."
some voices echoed in the alleyway. I wearily peeked into the the ally, staying alert. There was a crimson shadow , holding a small imp by their neck. I recognized the imp, he was one of the employees at the pet groomers place.

'Fuck' I thought
Do I really want to help this person. I pondered the thought for a moment.

'Ah fuck it' I thought.
I pounced onto it the shadow making them let to of the small imp

"RUN!" I shouted
The shadow shoved me off him and I hit the brick wall. I got up and ran as fast as I could but i kept losing my footing. I was pushed to the ground and held there. I looked up and thought

'oh..ho ho...I fucked up'
The shadow was the radio demon

"let me go, you fucking strawberry!" I shouted struggling
He just chuckled and stabbed his cane thought my shoulder. I screamed in pain, I can heal but it still hurt. He was strong but I was stronger. I used my tail to push my body up and blew some black flames in his face. he stumbled back, glaring at me.

"Well you've got some fire in you, dragon." he said, it was clear in his tone he was not happy.

"Your lucky I dont have enough energy to teleport" I scoffed. he tilted his head in confusion

"enjoy the chase" I sneered getting on all fours. I flicked my tail and my ears twitched. I started run, I was much fast on all fours, but he was gaining on me.
Time for plan b

"Come' on come' on, work" I muttered while running.
I started to shift, scales plating on my arms and legs. wings sprouting out of my back. of course it was only was bit of my other form. I didn't have enough energy to full shift. but it was enough for me to fly. He wasn't near close to my speed. I ducked in random alleyways, flying over small apartment complexes and such. Until I finally made it far enough. I sighed and slid into a random shop, taking a breath.

(exciting first meeting huh? lets get on with the story)

3rd person POV

"Thank you sinners, and good night!"
Y/n said into the mic as she took a bow, flicking her dark tail, the fur at the end flowing with the movement. The mass of demons started to exit the large theater as Y/n made her way back stage

"That was longer than I thought it would be"
she sighed taking off her coat and grabbing a wet towel.

"Yeah but I enjoyed it, Hestia"
a voice said behind her. There was only one person who called her that.

"ANGEL DUST, you came!!" She shouted jumping into his many arms. her tail swished excitedly

"I admit it, you have a way with old school magic" angel said patting her head

"Now common, cherries waiting" he laughed

"WAIT, cherri came too?!" Y/n asks angel

"oh hoho yeah she loves your shows but just wont admit it, especially the rabbit trick" angel exclaims doing jazz hands. Y/n giggled.

"that's the most cliche thing I have ever heard" y/n giggled

"So toots, the extermination is in like a month and I was wondering if you could come with us to beat the living hell out of a snake, it seems he didint learn last year" he asked, pounding his fist into his hand.

"Hell yeah i was planning on it, hes been trying to move on my turf" y/n hissed with venom in her voice


Darkness washed over pentagram city and angel and cherri had headed home
And y/n was on top of a tall building overlooking the city. Her boss had sent her a text for someone to assassinate. she slowly unfolded her wings out of her back. a black dragons wings, torn and the bottoms. not like she could patch those up. It was painful to keep them in her back everyday but it was a precaution because everyone would know it was her that tried to kill Him

she was drowning deep in her thoughts when she suddenly heard the roof door open. she swiftly turned around to see the radio demon in all his glory.

"I'm sorry dear but I'm going to have to as-...." he stopped and stared at her

'Damn it, hes seen me!
I'd rather be dead than caught by this cheeky bastard.'

His smile widened ad he walked towards her. she stepped unto the ledge and jumped, she caught the air but suddenly there was a sharp pain in her wing
The bastard shot one of them
she started falling down

'I'm gonna have to glide into the forest'

she stretched her wings as far as they could go and glided down to a clearing in the forest.

she tumbled into the clearing and rolled into a tree

"FUCK" she shouted
There were three holes right though her left wing. The sound of fire caught my attention as I looked up to see the radio demon

"Ah, well isn't hells most wanted herself" he exclaimed narrowing his eyes on her.

"What do you want you fuckin perra"(bitch) I growled

"No need for name calling my dear, I'm curious how such a small thing like you could hold so much power" he questioned

"I'm just a common lizard demon, your mistaken me for some one else" she hissed , her voice dripping with venom.
He slowly walked over to her left wing and harshly pulled it up. she flinched in pain and tried to release it from his grasp but he wouldn't let go.

"No common "lizard" demon has wings and can survive my poison" he chuckled


He grabbed one of the claws at the ends of my wing and forcefully pulled it out. I yelped in response, he just laughed.

"Alastor, where are you!?!" A voice yelled in the distance

"Tch... Charlie, your saved this time you vermin." He sneered
He disappeared and y/n let out a sigh of relief.

'Now I'm not gonna be able to fly till these holes heal.'

I got up and started to walk back home my left wing dragging behind me, I couldn't even pick it up anymore.

I'm going to get that bastard back

Many Shades Of Red (AlastorXreader) Where stories live. Discover now