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As soon as I took alastors hand, a shock went through me. The collar and the muzzle fell off and disintegrated into the bricks and I got a slight burning on the back of my neck.

'finally! Freedom! I'm so out of this fucking place.'

I glanced back up at alastor. and sighed.

'I should stay on his good side though...'

"thanks." I breathed, crossing my arms and looking to the side to avoid eye contact.

alastor chuckled and crossed his arms behind his back.

"My pleasure dear. though...I will miss seeing you in such despair~"
he smiled that cheeky grin. I just flashed him a glare

'is this what I'm gonna have to deal with...damn it all"

"oh...wait...oh no" I trailed off.

"hm? pardon? what is it?" Alastor quiered, tilting his head. clearly amused by my sudden worry.

"My cat!, he must be so worried. thanks for...whatever smiles. but i gotta go."
I snapped and a tear like portal manifested in the air.

'yes! my magic is back'

I stepped though the portal and my shoes clicked on the hard wood floor. Footsteps came in after me right before the portal closed, I turned and alastor had followed me through.

"the hell man!?" I made an 'are you serious' face.

"Its quite cozy in here!, but much colder than I expected! very nice home you've made for yourself vermin!" he exclaimed, dragging his hand across the marble counter top

"You are the absolute fucking worst. just dont break anything cheeky fuck."
I replied

"no need to be hostile darling~ i was simply curious~! I make it my business to know the situation of my subordinates. but...I expected more of a lavish home...not this could this even be called a home."
he uttered with a smile, sitting on the kitchen stool.

'subordinate? I swear.'

my eye twitched and then I turned into the hallway.

"Bendy! Bendy! Here boy!"
I shouted, awaiting an answer
Sure enough, pitter paters and the sound of dripping came from the hallway. A inky black cat came from the shadows and started to run to me.I opened my arms and bendy jumped into them

"Oh how I missed you!" I squealed, holding him dearly

Alastor looked at me confused
I turned to him

"This is bendy. my ink cat. hurt him and i will kill you." I sneered, baring my fangs, my wings extending slightly.

"" alastor questioned

"Yeah." I said simply, still holding onto bendy dearly.
Alastor stood from the seat and stepped over, bending down slightly to let a better look at bendy. he reached out to pet him. but bendy hissed, his hackels raised as he growled twords alastor

Many Shades Of Red (AlastorXreader) Where stories live. Discover now