Wake up

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my eyes shot open and I shot up from the bed so many thoughts were racing though my head

Why me?
What's going to happen now?
Are they going to put the muzzle on me again!?
Why did angel do nothing?!

I have to get out of here no matter what. But first to deal whith the thing on my ear. I spit some of my venom on my hand and rubbed it on my ear
That should numb it for what I'm about to do. I grabbed the small knife I hid on the side of my bra so no one would find it.




I stabbed the knife through my ear and carved around the device.
Just what I needed, a hole in my ear. I threw the piece of my ear in the trash. It was gonna hurt like hell later. I flicked my tail in annoyance and noticed a note and small box on the night stand
I opened the note and sat on the bed.

I'm sorry I didn't do anything, alastor reminded me of...you know who. and I was scared. I'm Sorry for being a shitty friend. In The box is a necklace made from the antler you broke of strawberry. After all you said it was 'your reward'
Please don't take shit from him"

Angel would never admit it but he was kind of scared of alastor some times.
But I wasn't.
I opened the box and it was a simple necklace, angel knew I never liked anything to shiny.
The base of the antler was wrapped in wired attached to a chain. I slipped it over my neck and made my way out of Angel's room. I dropped my ears down so no one could see the hole unless they really looked.. I looked down the railing and saw alastor talking to Charlie. Oh I so wanted to beat the shit out of him, but I had to get out of this place. Oh I know I what to do, I'll jump off the railing, land on him and run out. simple but whatever. good enough for me. So I transformed into my small dragon form but my tail had a bit of red at the tip...strange. i hopped onto the railing, and jumped. I landed right on him and he fell to the floor

'Hah sucker'

Alastor was not happy, just before I made it out he grabbed me by my scruff and picked me up

"that was quite rude, you know" he growled, his smile now strained

"Yeah well I'm pretty fuckin rude" I scoffed, wiggling in his grasp.

He glared at me and put his hand out to Charlie

"The muzzle Charlie"
he sneered
Charlie walked away and came back with the muzzle handing it to alastor
Now I was scared. I hated that thing it mad me feel weak. I struggled but alastor sliped it on and tightened it so I couldn't shake it off

"Perfect, now what's this blood on your scales" he cheerfully said.

'Oh no.'

he grabbed ear and pulled it up harshly examining it closely.

"Now now now, I didint think you had the gull to carve out the tracker, how amusing!" he laughed

I growled and continued to struggle in his grasp until I heard a loud click.

he clamped some kind of steel collar around my neck, that's when he noticed the string around my neck. He knew exactly what it was. He dropped me and stepped back.

"How about escaping now" alastor forced a laugh.
I knew what happened with the tiny chip thing...but with the collar it would be much stronger. I let out a defeated sigh. what was I gonna do.

I retreted to another room. I was going to remain in my small dragon form until I felt it was safe.
I felt so weak and fragile...
I hated it.
how could I let this happen...

one week later

The garden was my favorite place to be. it was quiet, a little trashed but...none of them went back there. Charlie kept trying to get me to to these activities, but I wouldn't change back to my human form.

I was sitting on the bench, admiring the blue bells and roses. Their sent was intoxicating, but it reminded me of simpler times. I relaxed until I smelt vanilla and blood and I knew exactly who it was

"You know, starving yourself wont make this any easier." a staticky voice said behind me

I stayed silent.

'hell if this guy is getting anything out of me. cocky bitch.'

I tucked my tail next to my leg. Alastor sat next to me on the bench and crossed one leg over the other.

"Really. the silent treatment? are you a child? hm i thought the Flame Empress would be more civilized than that." he tilted his head at me, grinning.

'this bitch! I forgot he knew that-'

I turned my head slightly and glared at him. growling with smoke emanating from my nose.

"oh ho ho! seems I touched a nerve there~" he chuckled, leaning twords me. then sighing.

"anywho~ while your suffering is incredibly amusing. it's not nearly as entertaining when your not even trying. won't you give this sham a little effort??"

"bite me."

"oh don't tempt me."
he laughed loudly then making direct eye contact.
I hated that

"but let's be serious. it will only get worse if you don't tryyy~"
he grinned again. I thought for a moment.

'maybe it's not so bad to put in some effort, it would give me something to do at least...'


cheeky fuck. fine. but I want to to do something for me"
I growled.

"Oh alright, what do you want me to do"
he tapped his fingers on the bench.

"I'm supposed to do a magic show in the royal opera house, the tickets sold out in minutes. I. refuse. to. miss. it." I said coldly

"hmm ive got something better" he replied, standing up

"what." I scoffed

'this dude just loves undermining me...'

"hmm...how about this! you get to go free, no more restrictions! but! you have to participate in Charlies project willingly and I will be able to summon you if I require assistance, DEAL...?"
he proposed, sticking his hand out. A green glow engulfed the garden and the wind picked up.

'I didn't want to make a deal with him...but I don't think I really have a choice. it's that or this....confinement.'

I let out a sigh and transformed into my human form. I looked at his hand for a second.

'was I really going to do this? ....god damn it. fuck it.'

I shook his hand



hey hey!! so I unpublished all the next parts until I finish editing them! which should be soon! so do not fret veteran readers! they are coming back all dolled up! still the same plot! stay tuned!!


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