Dear Life,
What am I to You?
You shape around my nape
Urging me to go on
As you falsely accuse me of a ruse
Manipulating me like a puppeteer
Pulling tightly on my strings
You promise me so many good things
As I, naively, believe you
Every word you feed me
Like a child to a mother
Oh dear Life
How naive of me
Sometimes I wonder
What is your intent?
I think not,
You never can decide
On the time to die
Dear Life,
What are you
To me?
Something to mess with?
Tricking you into believing
That you won't last long?
Something to laugh at
When times are rough?
When those questionable days come by
Wondering, wondering, wondering
Whether it was a joke or not
Truth or not
Something to miss
On those days of cold rain
When everything is going downhill
When I fall down that dark
Dark hole
Dear Life,
What are you to me?
And what am I. . . .
To you?