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Step 1: find a full length mirror

Step 2: find a comfortable pose

Step 3: tell yourself that you're perfect.

No matter what, you are perfect no matter what your body looks like. Don't listen to anybody but yourself. You are beautiful, just remember that.

I know what your thinking, she's never seen me before, so how would she know?

Everywhere I turn I see the skinniest people say, no, I'm not hungry, I'm fat.

But there are my favorite kind of people, which there are very few, who say, I don't care, can you open the ranch? Or (I have weird friends so don't judge) can I have your fries, I'll trade you a chocolate bar for it?

Don't look at models and say, I wanna be skinnier then she is! Newsflash, cameras lie.

Please, just think about what you do to look like a model, or a TV star, or that one girl in your class who just never seems to gain weight, or your flat belly sister who you think that no matter what looks 10x better then you, because you can never duplicate a look after you create it.

Can you please, for a stranger who cares for everybody, think about everyone who cares before you go on a hunger strike or a work out session meant for a professional body builder? If your looking for a sign, this is it.

You look beautiful, just the way you are.


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