Act I:The Tale of Betrayal

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As they were walking through the halls, best friends Ansel and Nat admire the looks of the new student,Shailene. "Wow she is beautiful", said Ansel. Nat agreed with his friend. They both wondered if she will be interested in them."I wonder if she'll be interested in me", said Ansel. "I wonder if she'll be interested in me too", said Nat. Knowing Nat had no chance over the good looks that Ansel had, Ansel said"Haha! Well I have to go, see you later"."Okay, Bye!"said Nat.

Later, as the school assembly took place, Nat could not find Ansel. As the assembly went on, he was worried more and more about his friend."Hey Jerome have you seen Ansel?" asked Nat. "Yeah, he's over there with the new girl. I really think they're going to be great for each other" said Jerome . Turning furiously to look at his friend, Nat said"Oh, okay, Thanks".Nat was mad, and he thought that he should be in place of Ansel. A week passes, and Ansel is now really close to Shailene .Nat, on the other hand, is the one to be left alone.

"He needs to stop, I don't want him to be with her. I can't stand him", says Nat. "Why do you care so much, let Ansel keep Shailene ", says Jerome , who was now worried about Nat."He can't have her she is mine, look at him , how can she just like him like that. I will not let this stand", argues Nat. Later throughout the day, Ansel and Shailene leave school grounds , Nat and his friends, Josh and Luke come in. "Why does he care about her specifically? Every girl I liked has always wanted him over me. Now, when I finally like one girl that doesn't fall for him first, he decides to claim her for his own. I thought he was my friend." said Nat."Don't worry she doesn't seem so interested in looks, he won't get to her." says Josh. "If he is such a bother why don't we do something about it.", Luke suggests. " Like what?" asks Nat.

"We can show him a lesson , we will plan it all out for next week.", says Josh. "Okay, I guess", says Nat, questioning his decision of betraying his long known friend. Nat and Josh are at a table outside the cafeteria during lunch. "Hey Nat, I have an idea what if we told the whole school that Ansel isn't a very loyal person and not that great of a guy?", suggests Josh. "That sounds like a great idea , but I can't do it because it would be obvious I'm trying to sabotage their relationship.", says Nat. "Josh or I do it , if you want to make it less obvious." ,says Luke. They all agreed to this very creative idea. Nat was going to back down, but now it made him even more furious when Ansel has announced his relationship with Shailene to Nat. While he wanted to yell at him, Nat kept a smile on his face while talking to Ansel, knowing all the problems they are going to cause him later on.

While walking through the halls, Josh, Nat, Jerome , and Luke discussed their plan for the next week. "Well , okay, it sounds like a plan, when should we "break the news?", asked Nat. "Well today is the 10th, what do you think about the 15th?", asked Josh. "Sure, but when throughout the day?", asked Nat. "Well I really don't know.", said Josh. "How does tomorrow morning sound? Or would you prefer after school?", said Jerome . "Well there is a parade in the afternoon, and Ansel is going to be awarded for being role model of the year, what do you think about that time?", said Luke. "Yes! especially because he is going to want his girlfriend to be beside him, and she will not be with him cause she already knows the "truth" about Ansel. That is perfect." said Nat. "Alright guys, get ready for some tasty revenge tomorrow. Make sure you don't catch anyone's attention, act normal or you'll blow our cover, okay?"said Josh. "Sure, see you guys tomorrow", said Nat.

They walked out of the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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