Rainbow Dash x OC Pegasus Pony

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(Disclaimer: My Little Pony and Rainbow Dash is owned by Hasbro. My OC belongs to me.)

Kevin made so many friends in Equestria. His six friends are Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is the one who acts all cool but not obnoxiously though. Kevin always wondered how if she had a soft spot. He couldn't really tell. Right now, he was now on his way to Fluttershy's House because she asked him for help. He arrived at her cottage and he see's Rainbow Dash flying towards him and tackles him with a big tight hug.

Rainbow Dash: "Kevin, oh, I'm so glad you're here!"

Kevin: "It's good to see you, Dash. But, you're squeezing me."

Rainbow Dash quickly realized and let's go of him as he takes a breather and Dash rubs the back of her head.

Rainbow Dash: *blushes and giggled* "Heh, sorry. I get a little over excited sometimes."

Kevin: "It's okay. *sighs* "Fluttershy told me she needs help with something."

Fluttershy: *appears next to Rainbow Dash* "Oh, yes. But, it's Rainbow Dash who needs your help."

Rainbow Dash: "It's about... *sighs* Zephyr."

Kevin: *sighs in annoyance* "Oh, boy. Lemme guess, he's hitting on you again?" *she nods* "Well, I don't want to be a flirting police but he's just pushing the limit." *that made RD and Fluttershy giggled* "What?"

Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy: "Nothing."

Kevin: "Mmm? Well, come on Dashie. Let's go find him."

Rainbow Dash: *blushes and stammers* "D-did you just call me, D-dashie?"

Kevin: "Yes. Why? *afraid* You don't like it."

Rainbow Dash: *shakes her hoofs nervously* "Oh, no. I like it. I like when you call me that." *in her head* (It's really nice that he calls me that. I'm really nervous to confess my feelings for him. I hope I'll get it right after this.)

Fluttershy: "Uh...are you going to go find Zephyr?"

Kevin: "Oh, yeah. Thanks for the reminder, Fluttershy. Come on, Dashie."

Rainbow Dash: *whispers* "Wow, he makes it sound hot."

Kevin: "What was that, Dashie?"

Rainbow Dash: "Nothing."

-Timeline Skip-

???: "Hey Dashie!"

Kevin, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy turns around and see's Zephyr approaching.

Kevin: *sighs* "I'm guessing that's him."

Rainbow Dash: *nods* "Yup."

Zephyr: *faces Kevin* "Who's this?"

Rainbow Dash: "This is my close friend, Kevin."

Zephyr: "Well, tough luck, Kevin. Dashie is meant to be mine. She wouldn't want to be with a rookie pegasus."

Kevin: *offensively* "Hey! First of all, I'm not a rookie anymore. I can take fly just perfectly now. And second of all, what are you saying? Me and Rainbow Dash are just friends."

Rainbow Dash suddenly frowns at that and almost shed a tear in her eye.

Zephyr: "Rainbow Dash has feelings for me. I know it." *pulls her into a hug*

Rainbow Dash: *whispers to Kevin* "Help me, please, Kevin."

Kevin: "Zephyr, do you think she's enjoying what you are doing to her or do you need some glasses to figure that out? Because it looks to me that, she's not."

Zephyr: "She's just trying to hide her true feelings. She may not be showing it, but deep down, I know she wants me."

Kevin: *whispers to Rainbow Dash* "Looks like you're going to have to tell him yourself. I can't get through to him because of his stubbornness."

Rainbow Dash: "Zephyr, let me go! *breaks free* I don't even like you that way! Besides, I like somepony else!"

Zephyr: "Really? Who? Who could you possibly like more than me, Zephyr Breeze?"

Rainbow Dash smirks and points at Kevin making him surprised and blushed.

Kevin: "Wait, me?"

Rainbow Dash: "Yep."

Zephyr: *saddened* "Oh, well, alright, you can have her. I guess I got to stop trying."

Kevin: "Hey, *puts his hoof on his shoulder* don't sweat it, Zephyr. There might be many other mares that are probably dreaming of you right now."

Zephyr: *looks at him; hopeful* "R-really? You think so?"

Kevin: *nods* "Yeah. You just gotta find the right mare for you."

Zephyr: *smiles* "Thanks for your advice, Kevin. I'm off to find the perfect mare." *takes his leave*

Kevin: "Well, that's one problem solved." *turned around and approached Rainbow Dash* "So, you have a crush on me or was that an excuse to him off your back? Either way, I'm not mad, just surprised."

Rainbow Dash: *blushed madly* "I...uh."

Kevin: *chuckled* "I'll take you awkward stutters as a yes."

Rainbow Dash: *sighs* "Yes, I do have a crush on you. You're kind, funny, cool, not to mention handsome. But, I understand if you hate me and if you don't want to be friends any-"

Kevin: *hugs Rainbow Dash; shocking her* "I don't hate you, Rainbow Dash. Truth be told, I really love you too."

Rainbow Dash: *looks at Kevin* "Y-you do?"

Kevin: *looks at Rainbow Dash* "Yeah. You're the most awesomeness pony pegasus I have ever met my entire life."

Rainbow Dash's face became dark red and smiles as she leaned in and kissed Kevin on the lips which he returned the gesture while he blush.

Rainbow Dash: *breaks the kiss* "I love you, Kevin. You are the awesomeness pony pegasus too. Well, not as awesome as me, but you're up there."

Kevin: *giggles* "Hey? I was going to watch RWBY at my house. Do you want to watch it with me?"

Rainbow Dash: *smiles* "Sure. What episode are you at right now?"

Kevin: "I'm at Volume 3. The Last Episode."

Rainbow Dash: "Looks like we have something in common. Because I'm at the last episode of Volume 3 too."

Kevin: "Sweet. Come on."

Rainbow Dash kisses Kevin on his cheek as he smiles gently and Fluttershy was blushing of how cute this is but felt happy for Rainbow Dash because she got the pony she always wanted.

End of chapter.

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