Chapter 1: Something Different

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(No One's POV, (Y/N) age 14)

(Y/N) was sitting around in his room like usual with his door locked. He'd changed the lock of the door two years back and there's only two keys that can open the door. One belonging to (Y/N), while the other belongs to Ruby. Currently, Ruby and Yang were attending Beacon Academy. (Y/N) had been happy for Ruby that she'd been allowed to get in early. He'd never had much interest in becoming a huntsman, but he was still happy for her. Obviously however, this meant that (Y/N) was basically alone in the house with his parents. (Y/N)'s stomach grumbled and he got up and unlocked the door before going downstairs and grabbing himself some breakfast. He goes back upstairs, after only taking a moment to look at his parents watching tv, and sits on his bed while eating breakfast. Afterwards he realized he really doesn't have anything to do without Ruby here, so he decides to head out for a bit. He grabs his scroll and puts it in his pocket before going downstairs and going outside. He takes a moment to admire the beautiful day before starting to make his way towards a nearby town. On his way there though, he runs into a bit of an issue. He encounters some grimm. (Y/N) freaks out at this because he has no aura, no weapon, and no semblance. He tries his best to get away from the grimm, but they catch up easily. Luckily however, someone ends up taking care of the grimm for him. "Are you alright kid?" The person asks. (Y/N) looks at the person who saved him and recognizes his Uncle he's never met, Qrow Branwen. "Y-yeah..." (Y/N) says surprised. This was the first time he's ever seen his uncle before. He's always heard about him from Ruby, but he's never had a chance to interact with him or even look at him. "You look like my niece and my friend i'm going to visit." Qrow says. "Oh really... Must be a crazy coincidence." (Y/N) says not wanting to alert Qrow of anything. "Well what's your name kid?" Qrow asks. "M-my names (Y/N) sir..." (Y/N) says still surprised that he's talking to his Uncle. "(Y/N) huh? Well you should probably get to heading home." Qrow suggests. "Yeah... I probably should..." (Y/N) says unsure of what to do. "Well i'll see you around kid." Qrow says as he makes his way towards the house. (Y/N) isn't sure of what to do. He doesn't know how Qrow would react to him being his nephew, so following him isn't an easy option. He can't just try to sneak into his room. (Y/N) doesn't know what to do, but decides to wait a bit then make his way home. After a few hours (Y/N) decides to start making his way home. It isn't a long walk, but he hopes he waited long enough for Qrow to leave. (Y/N) opens the door before shutting it and is met with Qrow immediately looking him in the eye. "Now what the hell..." Qrow says confused. "Uh..." (Y/N) says unsure of what to do. "Aren't you the kid I helped in the forest?" Qrow asks still confused. "I can explain..." (Y/N) says panicing. "Follow me..." (Y/N) says before leading Qrow upstairs to his room before unlocking it and going inside with Qrow following him. "Now i'm even more confused." Qrow says starting to get a bit frustrated. (Y/N) shuts the door before starting to explain everything to Qrow. After explaining his whole life story, Qrow is at a loss for words. "So let me get this straight, you're my nephew, we've never even met before today, and Tai and Summer have been neglecting you for 10 years now?" Qrow says trying to piece things together. "Basically that sums things up..." (Y/N) says worried. Qrow gets up and makes his way to the door. "I'll be right back." He says before exiting the room and closing the door. A few seconds later, (Y/N) can hear what sounds like Qrow and his parents yelling from downstairs. After a bit Qrow comes back into the room. "Sorry about that, I just can't believe they'd do this to their only son." Qrow says. "It's okay... i've just sort of accepted it for about 6 years..." (Y/N) says calmly. "So do any of them care about you?" Qrow asks worried. "Ruby does, but she's the only one." (Y/N) answers. "Well that doesn't surprise me, she always has had a good soul." Qrow says with a smile. "I'll uh... i'll see you later kid." Qrow says before leaving again. "Okay, bye Uncle Qrow!" (Y/N) says smiling. (Y/N) then feels a tingle on his tongue, that's the first time he's ever said that. He doesn't know why, but he feels like his entire life is about to change.

Hello! Are you guys enjoying this so far? I'm just trying something different with this story. It's weird to write this, but it's fun too. Anyways, i'll go now. Bye!

875 words

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