Bonus Chapter: Never Saw Nothing

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(Oh shit a bonus chapter for this story, that's a first. Well I had the idea for this one and I wanted to act upon it. This story is probably my favorite thing i've ever written. Anyways, this will be about what if (Y/N) didn't leave the house on the day he met Qrow.)

(Y/N) lays on his bed as he thinks to himself. He thinks about what Ruby might be doing right now. She could be fighting grimm, being on a mission, or she could just be in class. He looks at his scroll for a moment while considering calling her, but decides not to and instead goes to get food. He makes himself some toast before going back upstairs towards his room. He hears the front door open from downstairs and hears the voice he's never met, but knows exactly who it is. It's Qrow. (Y/N) goes into his room and locks the door before sitting down on his bed and eating his toast. He lays in bed for a few hours listening to conversations between his parents and Qrow. Eventually though, Qrow leaves. (Y/N) goes downstairs and makes himself dinner. He can't actually cook, so he usually just eats leftovers from the previous night. He doesn't mind though. Food is food after all. His parents don't seem to mind anyways, not that they actually care what (Y/N) is up to. However, tonight while (Y/N) was heating up his leftovers, Summer came in and (Y/N) could swear her eyes were locked on him for a moment. She goes about her business not acknowledging him before leaving as (Y/N)'s leftovers are done heating up in the microwave. (Y/N) goes upstairs and eats his food alone, while he can hear Summer and Tai eating together from below him.

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) playing with Chibi Abandoned)

(Y/N) has been noticing he's been finding less and less leftovers in the fridge. He assumes it's probably nothing, but he's not entirely sure. It's getting a bit out of hand at this point however. He's noticing he's barely getting anything to eat now. He barely finds enough to make a plate of whatever may be in the fridge and he's starting to get worried. He goes to get dinner tonight, but when he opens the fridge there's no leftovers. He starts to panic and looks around to try to find something to eat, only to find nothing. (Y/N) doesn't understand. There was plenty of food in here this morning, now it's all just dissappeared. He realizes what he's having to do. He has to go into town to try to find some food. He grabs his scroll and the key to his room and leaves the house. He gets into town, and finds no places are open. He frowns at this as his stomach growls. He goes back home, but finds the door is locked. He tries desperately to open it, but isn't successful anytime he tries. He starts to walk around the house and finds the window of his room. He looks at it and tries to find out if there's a way he can get in, but it's too high up. He's locked out of the house. He starts to cry. He doesn't know why, but the tears come and they come quickly. (Y/N) sits on the ground crying for a bit. He eventually stops and decides to call the only person he trusts. He decides to call Ruby. He selects her contact and calls her on his scroll. After a bit she picks up. "Hi (Y/N)!" She says excitedly. "H-hi R-Ruby..." He says nervously. "You sound scared. What's wrong?" Ruby asks worried. "I've been eating leftovers since you left for Beacon. And every night i'd go and get what was left of yesterday's food. Well recently less and less food has been leftover and today there was nothing. I looked all around the kitchen and there was no food or anything. I left the house to see if there was anywhere open in town, but no place was. I came home and the door was locked. I can't get in the house." (Y/N) explains sounding like he's on the brink of crying again the entire time. (Y/N) hears Ruby make noises that make him think she's angry. "(Y/N) i'll call you back in a moment." Ruby says angrily. "O-okay... bye..." (Y/N) says before hanging up. He starts to feel guilty for making Ruby angry and starts to walk away from the house slowly. He arrives back in town and finds a boat leaving for some place. He feels the need to leave after making the only person he trusts angry and sneaks on board the boat. The boat takes off, and some things start to happen on patch.

(With Summer and Tai)

Summer and Tai are sitting in the living room watching a movie. Summer felt kind of guilty from purposefully starving her child and locking him out of the house. Suddenly she gets a call from Ruby on her scroll. She answers it. "Hi sweetie! How's Beacon?" Summer asks cheerfully. "Mom. This thing you've been doing to (Y/N) for 10 years now, it needs to stop." Ruby says angrily. "Sweetie what are you talking about? Who's (Y/N)?" Summer asks playing the facade they've been doing for years. "Stop playing dumb with me! You, dad, Yang, you've all been ignoring him for years! He just called me telling me that you and dad locked him out of the house! He sounded like he'd been crying!" Ruby yells angrily. Summer feels a lot more guilty from this. She'd always still cared about her son, even if she didn't acknowledge him. "I don't know how he's reacting right now, but you better hope he's not doing anything too bad." Ruby says angrily before hanging up on Summer. Summer doesn't know why, but she gets a bad feeling and runs to the front door before unlocking it. She runs outside and looks for (Y/N) around the house, but she doesn't find him anywhere. "Honey what's wro-" Tai tries to ask before Summer runs passed him before he can finish. She runs as fast as he can towards the nearest town, and when she gets there she sees a boat leaving. She doesn't know why, but she just gets the feeling (Y/N) is on that boat. Summer falls to her knees and starts to cry as she gets the feeling she just lost her only son, and it's all her fault.

(Timeskip to after the fall of beacon brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Chibi Shattered playing video games)

Qrow just explained silver eyes to Ruby, and was walking to the stairs when he notices a room he's never noticed before. "Hey Summer, what's this room?" He calls out. Summer comes up to find out what room he's talking about, only to find out he's talking about (Y/N)'s room. "Th-that's..." Summer starts unsure how to continue before Ruby takes a step out of her room. Ruby looks at her mom angrily. She hasn't heard from (Y/N) in months and she blames her. Ruby then notices Summer and Qrow are in front of (Y/N)'s room and Ruby pulls out her key to his room. She unlocks the door and opens it so Qrow can look into it. Qrow takes a step inside and notices the room is like a normal person's room. It had a bed, a closet with clothes, and there's even a desk. Nothing in the room looks like it's been touched in a long time and Qrow turns around to ask about it. "Whose room was this?" Qrow asks confused. "It was (Y/N)'s." Ruby answers. "Who the hell is (Y/N)?" Qrow asks confused. "He's me and Yang's brother that everyone but me neglected. Mom and dad locked him out of the house and I guess he ran away." Ruby explains feeling sad towards the end. "I-i've had a nephew without knowing it. Summer feels something tearing at her from the inside and she says it out loud. "He's not really your nephew.... He's your son." Summer confesses. "He's my what?!" Qrow asks confused. "Your son... when you drunkenly called me years ago you got me pregnant and then I gave birth to a boy. I never told you because I wasn't sure how you'd react..." Summer confesses on the verge of tears. Ruby isn't sure how to feel as it finally clicks in her head why they neglected (Y/N). "I've had a son for years... who has been missing for months... who you neglected... and you never told me..?" Qrow says trying to connect things together. Summer looks down in shame giving Qrow the answer he needed. "What the hell are you..." Qrow says as he walks out of the room and leaves the house to start searching for his son.

So... what's everyone reading this favorite muffin? I personally prefer blueberry myself.

1535 words

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