Bonus Chapter: Nothing Found

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(So this is going to be a sequel chapter to Never Saw Nothing. I was gonna make an entire story about it, but decided there's not enough there to do that but a sequel chapter might work. So here we are.)

(Y/N) wakes up on the boat. He's been on this boat for a few days now, and it's finally arrived at shore. He gets off and tries to find out where he's at. (Y/N) walk around and looks for 30 minutes and still has no idea where he is, so he starts walking in a random direction. He starts to think about if he'd made the right decision. Maybe things would have gotten better if he'd just waited for Ruby to call him back. He starts to feel scared and tries to pull out his scroll to call Ruby. He searches for a few seconds for his scroll before realizing he must have dropped it at some point. He tries to think about when he could have had it last, but the last time he can remember was on Patch. He looks around and realizes he's gotten lost in some woods. (Y/N) has no idea what to do, but decides to keep walking forward. Maybe he'll reach a village or something. Eventually he comes across some structure and someone yells at him. "Hey kid! Get lost!" A voice yells at him. (Y/N) looks at where the voice comes from and sees a woman in tribal gear. "Sorry, could you tell me where I am?" (Y/N) yells asking where he's at. "You're in Mistral, now get out of here." The voice yells back. "Okay!" (Y/N) says turning around. After a few minutes, he's suddenly knocked out.

(Timeskip to Few Hours Later brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Chibi Author eating muffins)

(Y/N) wakes up in a cage. He feels his stomach growl and holds it gently. "Where am I?" He asks himself. "You're in a cage little runt." A harsh voice says from outside his cage. "Now shut up. The leader told us to keep you here until she gets back." (Y/N) feels confused, but sits with his back against the cage. He continues to feel and hear his stomach growl, but can't do anything about it. After a few hours, he hears the sounds of several people arriving. Shortly after, a woman appears in front of the cage he's in. "So we finally meet properly." She says. "Wh-who are you?" (Y/N) asks nervously. "I'm the one who has been giving you gifts for the past few years. I'm rather confused however as to how and why you're here of all places though." She explains. (Y/N) looks at her in surprise. "I imagine you must be hungry." She says before pulling out a key and unlocking the cage and letting him out. "Follow me." (Y/N) follows her into a big tent. A few minutes later some people arrive with food. (Y/N) starts eating immediately and finishes it in a matter of seconds. "So (Y/N), how and why exactly are you here? Your birthday is still a few days away after all." The woman says. "I... I felt like i'd upset the only person who actually cared about me... so I ran away from home." (Y/N) explains. "How unfortunate. Well what are you going to do now? I'm not entirely against finding something for you to do here, but I don't know if this is the kind of place you want to be in." She says. "I'm... i'm not sure really. Part of me wants to go back home with the hope that things will be ok, but another part of me feels like that would be a bad idea." (Y/N) explains. "Well how about this. How about you stay with your Aunt Raven and her tribe for at least until your birthday passes, and we'll see how things go from there. Your birthday is in just 8 days, so that should be enough time to make a choice." Raven explains while revealing her name to (Y/N). "Wait you're my aunt?" (Y/N) asks. "Well you know Qrow? I'm his sister." Raven explains. "Oh... okay. I guess i'll try your idea... Also my birthday is in 5 days." (Y/N) responds. Raven's eyes open wide for a moment in surprise, but she quickly regains her composure and walks over to him before hugging him. "Great! Then how about you get some rest. In the morning i'll find you something to do." Raven responds. (Y/N) feels surprised by the hug, but after Raven releases him he does as she says and goes to sleep. Raven goes to step out of her tent, but stops and looks back at (Y/N) sleeping. "I guess he's a Branwen." She says as she steps outside.

So I started writing this a while ago, but only just finished it. I think the main thing that made me feel like finishing this is sort of similar to the reason why I wrote this book in the first place. I wrote this book because I wanted to challenge myself to try to write something new and because I was going through a somewhat similar situation at school at the time I wrote this. At the time in one of my classes it felt like I was constantly being ignored, and eventually I wrote this. Well recently in one of my classes i've been feeling like this again and it's driven me to finish this. I put a lot of myself into everything I write and it always hurts me when I can barely write just a few words at a time. While finishing this though, I started considering remaking this book or trying something similar to it. If that's something you'd be interested in let me know. Okay, i'll go now. Bye!

996 words

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