The commanders

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Chapter 3

The commanders were pre appointed while still on Mark I. They were taken to a special briefing room. Logon Nioman was there with thick packets of paper on six desks. The six soon-to-be commanders sat at the desk with their name and country of origin. On the packets were what looked like data from them being observed over a short period of time.

Halin Miklas: 

Branch: European

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Personality: Mean but very popular

Kamal Fambare:

Branch: Australian

Country of Origin: Australia

Personality: Serious but has a sense of humor.

Dasya' Young:

Branch: Asian

Country of Origin:Japan

Personality: Shy but commanding when called upon

Fiona Findley:

Branch: South American

Country of Origin: Brazil

Personality: Spunky and bubbly but has a strong core

Raven Sanchez:

Branch: North America

Country of Origin: Mexico

Personality: Mysterious and is very sarcastic

Angel Brown:

Branch: African

Country of Origin: Johannesburg

Personality: Very outgoing and ready to lead

As they sat down, Logon came to the front of the room and debriefed them on what the expectations of being a commander were. They were given a choice to opt out of it but they all agreed to do it. They were instructed to open their packets and read through the instructions. 

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