Kid!Red x Kid!Classic

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--- classic's POV--

I was in my little preschool playing tag outside with the brothers, geno, error and fresh. I was tagged by geno who was just it, and and all three of them ran in different directions. I sighed and decided to go after error, since he was easy to get in a game of tag.

I tagged lil error and giggle quietly at how bad he was at the game. He would just walk, not seeming interested in the game. "UgH. WhY dO i AlWaYs HaVe To Be It?" Error was glitching a a bit, guess I should have picked someone else unless i wanted to get into one of his small tantrums.

"Guess your too slow bud-" I was cut off by getting knocked off my feet. "Huh? Watch where you're going you little pipsqueak!" I looked up to see red glaring at me, i felt myself shiver and got up yo my feet."i-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, Red" I pulled my hand towards him so I could shake his hand, here in this little preschool, we have to shake someone's hand, as a way to say sorry."tsk, I don't need your apology..." and with that he left it go swing on the swings.

"Hey are you ok?" Geno asked, concern filling his voice. " yeah I'm fine, i just bumped into Red, it's all good." I tried to reassure him. " He's such a meany! Its like he hates everyone's guts!" Fresh crossed his arms, annoyed. "WeLl We DoN't AcTuAlLy HaVe GuTs." Classic error, always correcting everyone.

" I don't think he's that mean, I'm pretty sure he's a big softy on the inside, you just need to know him a little more." I was looked by the brothers like if i was a crazy flamingo (Idk it was the first thing that popped into my head XD) " we should play tag before play time is over" fresh and error nodded their heads to genos sentence and agreement. " I'm going to got to check up on red, you guys can play without me. " and with that the three (amigos) brothers ran off to keep playing they're game.

A walked over to Red, we was on a swing, we wasn't swinging or anything, he was just ... sitting. He looked lonely and kinda sad. I knew he wasn't just all mean. I sat in the swing right next to red. Kicking the air slowly while sitting. "What do you want?" I jumped a bit, not expecting him to talk. "I-I um... wanted to be your friend! You look like a nice person and know that your just a big softy on the inside." I looked at him and our eyes met for a second then Red looked away, avoiding eye contact, and started to swing.

He didn't say no, I guess that's ok! I started to swing giggling probably every 2 minutes. Soon enough, play time was over and we all had to head inside. I got off the swing and watched as Red did the same. We both where headed to the small building since play time was always outside (of course If when the weather was good enough to go outside, otherwise we would spend our time in the gym playing the little games or just sitting and talking with friends.)

"Hey... um... sorry for uh... being a bit rude and maybe we could play something tomorrow i mean if you really do want to be my friend..." my permanent smile got bigger and bigger.. " of course i would like to be your friend. And maybe geno, fresh, and error would like to play with you too!" I grabbed reds little hand (but of course still bigger than mine) and we both started to run towards the small building that was our preschool. Once we got inside he let go of my hand, i was a but sad about it but I didnt know why...

i saw a light red (isn't that pink? Look at the author chan writing this story XD doesn't even understand the simplest things like light, i mean its kinda not really simple because color is basically light that reflects and appears that way in your eyes, i can keep going but I'll stop my small rant here TwT) blush across his cheek bones and i thought it looked adorable! We said our see ya laters and left to our small designated classrooms.

Soon the day ended and we all had to go home. I entered the bus and you wouldn't believe who i saw. I saw Red sitting at the back of the us and looking at the window. I didn't know he was in my neighborhood ( is that how it works? I dont ride buses TwT) since i don't really go outside on my spare time.

I sat next to him and I guess he was really focused on his thoughts or on something because he didn't notice me sitting down. I looked at the window he was looking through, nothing was happening so I guess he is trapped in his thought.

Reds POV

I haven't been able to concentrate on our daily activity's. And all we did during class was painting and playing around in the classroom. My teacher was pretty surprised that I haven't gotten into trouble with other kids. I couldn't help but think about sans all day. He has been my first friend sense..... anyway, each time i would think of I'm i would get this weird feeling in my gut.

hes just so cute. I now always have the urge to protect him. I feel like- i was snapped out of my thoughts as soon as i felt someone's head on my shoulders. I looked at who it was and started to have that feeling in my stomach all over again, just worse. Sans was sleeping next to me with his head in my shoulders, i could hear his small snores, signaling that he was pretty peaceful in his sleep.

Just looking at him made me feel sleepy. I closed my eyes and dreamed about me and sans playing in a field of flowers.

Sans POV

I woke up with red resting his head on mine. I felt heat start to rise to my cheekbones. The things that I have been feeling towards him follow what dad has been talking to me about the other day, i could be wrong but... is this love?

I didn't want to wake up red so i stayed how i was just thinking about it and hearing the peaceful snores that are emitting from red. Soon enough the bus stopped and the rough stop woke red up. As soon as he fully woke up his cheekbones where dusted with red. I shared a tin of blue on my own. I got up and handed red a hand so he could get up. After a few moments, he took it and we both walked out of the bus.

"U-um, classic..." "yeah?" " i-i was wondering i-if you wanted to hang our with me during recess a-again" I giggled at his stuttering and kissed his cheekbone "of course i would hang out with you tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that! After all, you are my bestest friend (wait... DID YOU JUST FRIEND ZONE RED!!!!!) but goodbye red, i can't be late again!" I left red with his blush covered face, he ask ally looked like a cherry. I skipped home, feeling happy for the rest the day



Word count: 1270

Yuuuup that's the end. I'm not really satisfied with this one so i kept re writing things over and over again and I probably made it worse than it already was. I know it was shorter than the other but it's the best I can do in a week so rip. Plus the pile of homework I have for this weekend is killing me so if i write more (which I most likely do) then i have survived the amount of homework I have gotten. But goodbye kiddos and take care.

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