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Hello! I hope you enjoyed the 1st chapter of this book. Ive been thinking of making this book last year and I've finally had my anxiety go down enough so I could do this. My goal here is too make as much chapters I could possibly fit in here so its going to be a long ride. I'll be writing here every time i get, i might procrastinate a bit... ok, a lot, but don't we all? 


Ill try to post every Friday, if not, Saturday. If i skip a week ill try to make two in one week but they are probably going to be short- If i post two or more in one week and not because I didn't miss a week then i might not do the other week but idk.

I have school because thats what kids do now a days and its stressing enough so writing is just something that calms me down most of the time

Please tell me any request you have, you could comment here and tell me what you want me to write. I cant wait for when that happens :')

My grammar sucks. Mostly because i usually write at 1 or 2 in the morning everyday, especially on school nights, but don't worry, i sleep well in class-

Eventually, I will be editing when i get bored so hopefully these mistakes will be fixed and please correct me whenever I'm wrong, it honestly helps me.

I hope you all read the description and enjoy the rest of this book, till next time.

Hamilton is the best-

Also, pay your fucking taxes       -A.Ham

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