Self-harm!Red x Classic

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TW: a lot of self-harm, If that disturbs you then im very Sorry T^T also some pretty mean things I guess :<

Reds POV-

I was going back home from Classics house, my sweet and lovable boyfriend, we hanged all day and it was wonderful. I got my keys and opened the door forgetting all of my worries and focused on my sweetheart... that is until i I heard his voice.

"So where have you been?" Edge, my boss, glared at me, with a nasty frown... if kids could kill- "One, that's hella creepy, two, i was with my boyfriend, i told you, three, you do not have to know everything that's happening in my fucking life so why dont ya beat it." I shot a glare back and was now walking towards my room.

" I'm surprised he even likes you, but I would honestly not be surprised if he didn't, after all, you never know when someone just luring you in so they could break you or it could just be pity." Edge scoffed. "What?" I shot a nasty glare at him, classic would never do something like that!... right?

"You heard me, you're such a disappointment that it would be nearly impossible to genuinely like you. You can never do anything right, you're just wasting space, air and time. You could easily be replaced, only your replacement would be easy better then you. And like I said, your 'boyfriend' probably doesn't even love you, he most likely never will and he will break up with you one day. You're so weak... but if it makes you feel better... Classic is way weaker than you and I would be able to crush him with no pro-" " HEY!" At this point, I was glaring down his ass down, edge bolted upwards like a solder.

"You could complain about me, you can insult me all you want, but you DO NOT talk about my classic like that, you got that bro?"

3rd Person-

A red hue began to appear on Red's face... though that didn't last long after he snapped out of his angered state.

"Red..." Edge's voice was deep and serious "Never call me bro ever again."
Red shaked his head up and down in a fast manner and ran towards his room, shutting the door behind him, making sure he locked the door.

He stared at the door for a solid 5 minutes and sighed in relief that Edge wasn't coming for his guts... 'heh guts... Maybe he went to undyne's and he'll come back to disconnect my skull and body... I better act fast'

Red quickly packed his belongings and started to dial his love's number. There phone rang for approximately 4 times before classic picked up.

"Red? You were just here, did you forget something?" His smooth voice ran butterflies on Red's 'stomach'. They may have been together for half a year but these butterflies in red's 'stomach' still came in, occasionally.

"I'm going to yours and I might stay for a while... something... came up and I might die if I stay here" Red laughed, making it seem more like a joke than most likely the truth. "A-anyway that's why I called, to see if you're ok with me staying for some nights."

"Of course you could stay for however much you'd like to stay! It would also be nice to have you here." Classic cheerfully exclaimed.

Red couldn't help but smile as He heard his boyfriends voice. After the confirmation, he continued to pack some things and decided to take a shortcut out of the house and headed towards Classics house.

Red's POV

Through the whole walk I couldn't get the words out of my head, the ones that the boss kept telling me today and some other days...


Good for nothing


Waste of space

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