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I met you a little while ago and I great friend, one of the few I can trust, baby I love you, one of the best friends that anyone can have, I love you so much my partner, my blat, my naughty, fucking womanizer

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I met you a little while ago and I great friend, one of the few I can trust, baby I love you, one of the best friends that anyone can have, I love you so much my partner, my blat, my naughty, fucking womanizer ..  .. I love you!!!!@loco

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te conheci a pouco tempo mais já e eu grande amigo,um dos poucos que posso confiar, neném eu te amo , uns dos melhores amigos que alguém pode ter , te amo muito meu parça, meu blat , meu safadinho, mulherengo do caralhos .... te amo

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