I when I got there Chiron was starting his speech, he didn't notice me tho. "Campers! We have done it! Our home is repaired and better than ever. This couldn't have been possible without all of you. That is why I allowed in pizza again and you can take one to your cabins for every 5 people. Also it seems that the Hunt are moving faster than they thought and they'll be here tomorrow! Start getting ready for capture the flag! You are all dismissed." Me and Annabeth locked eyes and went to my cabin. I grabbed a pizza and then found Piper's eyes and she got the message. I got to my cabin as Annabeth got there with goblets for drinks. We then went straight to the couch and continued to watch "Parks and Rec".Then I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Piper so I yelled "Come in Piper and close the door behind you." She did as she was told and then stood at attention in front of me waiting for further orders. I turned off the TV because our real entrainment for the evening is here.
"Hello Master and Mistress. How can I serve you?"
Me and Annabeth looked at each other and then I said, "Strip Dance for us." She nodded and started to dance like a belly dancer. First removing her shirt and throwing it out of sight. She then raised her arms and started to shake her hips. I then turned to Annabeth and said, "Play with yourself but you're not able to cum unless I say so".
She looked at me and started pulling down her shorts and the small piece of fabric covering her pussy and dropped them on the floor, "Yes Master".
I then turned back my attention to the beautiful girl dancing for me. She lowered her hands and unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. They stayed on her hips but when she started to roll her hips they slowly fell and were kicked out of sight. She then reached behind her and unlatched her bra. She let it feel to the ground but covered up her tits as soon as her bra fell. She then started to play with her own tits and my shorts were getting too small. I was going to have Annabeth help me but she was already…busy. Then I remembered I had the biggest slut in the world at my beck and call. I told Piper, "Don't continue but continue giving your tits attention. Also won't hear anything that is being said till I say 'Slutty Slutty Dancer' and close your eyes too."
"Yes Master" she said before moaning. Annabeth looked at me but couldn't say anything because of her pleasure being too great.
I willed my book to my hand and flipped to the slut's page and wrote:
Report to my cabin NOW! Come with big tits a firm ass and blond curly hair.
Seconds later she flashed in and said, "I came as fast as I could." She had come with my requests but they were covered by the same outfit as before.
I'll remove that later I thought then said, "You will be punished for your questioning of my authority. But for now come over and suck your Master's dick. Also Slutty Slutty Dancer you may now resume and hear but not open your eyes." She resumed her dance.
"Yes Master," she said while walking over to me. She then got on her knees and unzipped my pants and lowered my boxers. She then looked at my dick as if it was a Popsicle. She started by licking like it was an ice cream cone. Then she inhaled it. All of it without a second thought and started to suck.
I looked up and my dancer was flinging her thong out of sight. She was then naked and shaking everything that the cocksucker between my legs gave her. She was running her hands all over her body. They went in and out of her pussy. They brought her nipples up to her mouth and sucked on it for a few seconds. As this went on I could see her pussy getting wetter and wetter. That's when I felt myself getting close and forced my dick down Aphrodite's throat and said, "If you spill one drop your punishment will last 10 longer. Understand bitch?"

Percy's Little Black Book
FanfictionA little more sex Written by hypno319 Found it on fanfiction.net