Chapter 3

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When we got back to Camp the dinner horn was just being blown. Our Roman friends sat at the head table with Chiron and Mr. D. We made our way to our tables and after some outside pizza, thanks to the Hermes cabin getting it in and getting Chiron's favorite, there were some announcements.

Two loud hoof stomps quieted the dinner hall down and announced "I would like to thank our Roman friends for helping us rebuild our camp. I, like many of you, am sad to see them leaving. But they must be getting back to their own camp." An applause rose thanking them. After a minute or so he rose his hand for silence and then he continued "All that is left is the finishing touches on the camp. I would like to call Annabeth up to talk more about it."

She walked up to where he was standing and started talking about what was left to do in great detail. But I couldn't focus on what she saying. I was trying to think about what coupon I should use next. Then I had an idea. Hypnos said the only limit to this power was I couldn't use it on him, good thinking by him, and they had to be alive. Gods and goddesses were alive, right? By the time I got my plan... planned Annabeth was done talking.

There were more applause and then Chiron said "You are all dismissed. See all of you in the morning." While everyone was leaving I was able to catch Annabeth's eye giving her a look of "meet me at my cabin". She nodded and disappeared into the sea of campers. I made my way back to my cabin and flopped down on my couch. The TV wasn't the only thing I added. Now I have a comfy couch and a Lazy Boy on either side of it facing the TV. I was catching up on some "Big Bang Theory", I may be a demigod who has taken down giants but good TV's good TV, when she walked in.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." She said as she closed the doors. Then she walked over and sat right on my lap. "So what do you want me to do... Master?"

"I want your opinion if you think something would work"

"Ok what is it?"

So I told her my plan and after I was done her first comment was "Ya I think it might. You're going to want to use you Hecate coupon so no one can see into here. And so if someone walks into here you could use the Mist to make them ok with whatever we're doing."

"Ok go get me my coupon book."

"Right away Master" She said as she got up and walked over to the table by my bed to get it. Every step she gave her ass a little shake. Giving me a great view of her bubble butt jiggle. "I'm so going to fuck that later" I thought. When she got back she sat on my lap again but this time facing me. "Here you go, as requested, your coupon book Master. Can I have a little reward for doing a good job?"

I thought about it for a sec and said "sure". Then leaned in and kissed her while grabbing her glorious tits and giving them a squeeze making her break the from the kiss and moan.

"You better fuck me later Master."

"I don't think you're in a place to be making demands. You know since you are practically my sex slave. But I was planning on it so I'll let this one slide."

"I'm sorry Master" she said with an almost sorry look, "you should punish me for overstepping my bounds."

"I never knew you were so kinky Wise Girl. Before we do anything I need to redeem some coupons."

I looked through the book till I found Hecate, the goddess of magic. Good thing the book is alphabetical by their name. So I found it and ripped it and was transported to who knows where in my mind.

When I could see I looked around. See little known fact when you're transported in your mind somewhere it's bright as Apollo's sun chariot in July. What I saw was interesting. I looked around and I was in a fortune tellers shop. Like the ones in TV shows that look like a total hoax, but I knew this one wasn't a hoax.

Then the shop owner came in dressed a purple robe and every talisman you could think of. She walked over and went to a round table with a crystal ball on it. Then she said "Welcome to my humble shop Perseus Jackson. Please sit". I pull up the chair right across from her and sat.

I was about to snap my fingers when she said "Don't even try that Perseus. I know that Hypnos said he was the only one immune to its effects but he was wrong. Who do you think taught him that trick?"

I lowered my fingers that were ready to snap. "Are you going to...tell on me for almost trying to take control of you?"

"No Jackson I won't."

"That's a relief. Will it work on any of the other gods? So what is the gift you're going to give me?"

She thought for a moment and replied with "Yes it will. And I'm going to let you decide. In fact I'll let you have three wishes"

"Wow. So like a genie?"

She laughed and said "yes in a way but these wishes will go how you want them to. So what is your first wish Perseus Jackson, Hero of Olympus?"

"I wish that my cabin was blocked from the view of all the gods unless I let them and that they won't think anything of it. And that I need to give people permission to enter my cabin."

"Good thinking. So it is wished for so it shall be... It is done. Second wish?"

"I wish that I could manipulate the Mist however I wanted to"

"Another smart one. So it is wished for so it shall be... It is done. When you want to manipulate it just pretend you're using the force. Third and final wish?"

"Actually can I save that one for later?"

She smiled and said "Oh course Perseus they are your wishes after all. When you go back to your body in the hand that held the coupon you will find a coin. When you want to use your final wish place it in water and say "Hecate I would like my last wish and you will be teleported back here. It will only work for you unless you tell another to use it. Until next time..."

And with that I was thrown back into reality. When I could see I saw my Wise Girl on the Lazy Boy on my right, drooling. Good thing I asked Leo to cover them so they'd stay clean. I looked in my right hand, the one that had the coupon, and saw a bronze coin with the writing on it that said "One wish" on one side and on the other it said "from Hecate". I pulled out Riptide in pen form and clipped it to it and put it back in my pocket.

I put my coupon book on the table next to the couch. And got up and walked over to Annabeth and woke her up my kissing her and squeezing her ass. She opened her eyes and continued the kiss till I broke from it. "How long was I gone?"

She yawned and answered me "Not that long maybe 20 mins. I've had a long day and needed a nap"

I looked at the time on the cable box and it read 9:37. "Well I'm sorry that I had to wake you"

"It's OK Master. Can we have some fun now?" she asked with a little bounce making EVERYTHING jiggle.

"As much as I want to I got another couple of coupons to redeem for the night" I said making her frown a little "Just finish you nap while I'm gone. You're going to need the energy later"

That made her smile and reply with "Whatever you want, Master."

Both of us went back to where we we're and sat down. I grabbed my coupons and found the next goddess I needed to visit.

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