thirty - nine

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Four days until the Quidditch final

Rosalie was quickly back to the Quidditch Stadium. She had not stayed long the night before due to her fall, it gave her a headache and she decided it was best to reset. Her and Remus had agreed on a schedule, which was practically all day practising with food breaks in between.

It was strange for them to back on talking terms. The redhead was grateful for it, of course, but it all happened in such a rush- she did wonder why the sudden change of heart. Was it truly paperwork that had kept him so distant? She struggled to believe that was the only reason.

"You okay?" Remus took her out of her deep thought. She was high in the sky on her broomstick, staring out into the distance.

"Yes, just having a breather." She replied with a smile.

The two had decided in the mornings Remus would help her train, and after lunch, the Quidditch team would join her and Remus would watch over. There was a small talk between them on the way down to the pitch, but she could still sense the awkwardness that lingered. Rosalie could not help but be cautious with everything that was said, her stomach was jumbled all the time, and she often over thought everything. The last thing she wanted was to say something inappropriate and to scare him off again.

Despite that, she overall felt happier being back with Remus. The comfortability, when being with him never left even if there was a slight tension between the two. Every time she looked at him, she could not help but smile as her stomach turned.

"Do you want to take a break?" He asked, leaning on the railing of the spectator stands.

She shook her head. "I'll have on more go, and then we can head for lunch."

Remus nodded in reply. "Remember to keep your turns sharp!" He added as she zoomed off. Remus had created a sort of obstacle course for her. It tested all of her abilities on the broom from speed to turning to dodge and shooting. Rosalie did wander how Remus knew so much about Quidditch, he had never mentioned doing it before, and it was a question she mentally noted to ask him.

Rosalie hovered at the beginning of the course. She had not improved much that day, and her completion time of the said course was not budging. She did it in a solid 56.7 seconds every time. Every time. And she was starting to get frustrated with it.

"Come on," she mumbled to herself. "Keep your corners tight."

"3, 2, 1, GO!" She heard Remus' voice echo through the stadium, and she shot off immediately.

The course started with a straightforward side to side weave through fives vertical poles, followed by another set of five horizontal poles which she had to bob over and under. She was sure to keep her head and body low, the last thing she wanted was one of the poles to hit her and send her flying off her broom.

After that she must catch a Quaffle mid-air, loop around the stadium and back the beginning, redoing the side to side and up and down poles but now she must not drop the Quaffle in her hands.

A yard in front of the poles, there were three hoops. These were her targets. She had to throw the Quaffle into the three rings- as the chaser, that was her main priority, scoring goals. Once she threw the ball, she must retrieve it before it touched the ground and then go back to her position before trying to shoot the ball into the next ring. If she missed the shot, she was not allowed to move onto the ring.

Once completed, she dropped the Quaffle to the floor, and the three rings she was previously shooting into became her next obstacle. To begin, she went to the side of the three rings and weaved through them - as she did with the poles. However, this was far harder. The rings were made of metal and were rather small to fit herself and the broom through. Then she would have to attack it from the front, looping herself upside down through them. That was by far the most difficult, and most terrifying of the task, but it was also the most beneficial. She could not slack on the turn because if she did, she would find self hitting her head on one of the rings and probably knocking herself out.

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