•|| Chapter 10 ||•

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" Little ___~! Wake up, we're here! " You open your eyes to meet with Tendou's ruby ones. You wondered how you got into Tendou's arms since you remembered being with Reon. " You must be wondering where Reon is, he's with Kawanishi, Yamagata and Semi. Since every booth can only hold 4 people, we had to split. " He explained as you nodded, clutching on his shirt as he enters a booth, who had Shirabu, Goshiki, and Ushijima sitting down.

" I bought little ___ with me! " Tendou excitedly states as he sits down beside Ushijima with you on his lap. You shift into a comfortable position before placing your hands on the table, looking up at Goshiki and Shirabu, you tilted your head, " Food..? " You ask as Shirabu clutched his heart while Goshiki blushed furiously. " Y...Yeah, we're getting food. " Even Ushijima almost stuttered a little, looking away. " Isn't that great, ___? We're capturing everybody's hearts! " Tendou laughed with an evil tone as you laugh along with him, not knowing whatever he was saying.

" We should take a look and see what ___ wants. " Shirabu stated, grabbing a menu and placing it in front of you. Tendou helped you open the menu, your eyes instantly shining at the pictures of multiple delicious foods. Goshiki chuckled at your reaction as you stared at each page for a solid 20 seconds, admiring the pretty and delicious pictures. " You can point out which one you like. " Tendou said as you continue to decide what meal you wanted.

" Maybe getting her a kid's meal would be better. " Shirabu suggested as Tendou nods, " Let's check out this section, shall we? " Tendou said as he flipped to the kid's menu, which was filled with...well...food directly for kids. Your eyes shined even more seeing the food painted with happy faces and animal attributes. It took you about a minute or two before nudging Tendou to tell him what you wanted, it was basically omurice with a smiley face on top, miso soup and gyoza.

" Oh~ Simple but delicious. I like your taste, little ___. " Tendou cooed, hugging you from behind and making you giggle. As your 4 guardians picked their meal, you comfortably sit on Tendou's lap, playing with BunBuns. Tendou giggled and closed the menu, sliding it towards Goshiki who had been sneaking a peek on Shirabu's menu since the booth only had 3.

The waiter finally came and took the orders, you watch as the man scribbles on his notepad, a small smile placed on his lips whilst speaking to your guardians. You peeked behind the man and saw Hinata and Kageyama excitedly waving at you. You smile and wave back as the two suddenly got pulled away by Daichi after seeing Tendou and Ushijima giving the 3 of them a death stare.

Ushijima looked confused, " Don't we need a board and other things to play Monopoly? " He asked as Tendou shrugged, " Why don't we ask, little ___ on what to play

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Ushijima looked confused, " Don't we need a board and other things to play Monopoly? " He asked as Tendou shrugged, " Why don't we ask, little ___ on what to play. " The 4 of them looked at you as you look back, you weren't actually paying attention to them.

But before you could answer, the waiter came back and began to serve the food. " That was quick. " Goshiki mumbled as Shirabu mindlessly nodded in agreement. " Sit here while you eat. " Ushijima scooted over and so did Tendou, giving you space to sit between them. You plop on the floor and sit comfortably as the waiter finally finishes serving the food.

" Itadakimasu! " Tendou and Goshiki excitedly say while the other two just clasped their hands together and bowed. Seeing as only half of your face could be seen in Goshiki and Shirabu's view, you changed your sitting position and kneeled in front of the table, finally able to see your meal.

As you started to nom on your meal, the 4 boys couldn't resist smiling at you. Even you eating was adorable, with that tiny blush on your cheeks, that wide smile, and that shimmer in your eyes, it honestly made them more happy that you were here. You blinked at them a few times, noticing they were staring at you. " Ah, right. Do you want some, ___? " Shirabu asked as you look at his meal, which was indeed ramen.

" Isn't it spicy? " Ushijima asked as Shirabu shook his head, " No, I made sure that our orders weren't spicy so ___ could taste it. " He stated as he sees you nodding from the corner of his eye. He grabbed a small bowl and started to share his meal with you. He gently placed the bowl in front of you and you quickly grab your chopsticks. You looked at Shirabu and he nodded, allowing you to start eating.

You smiled sheepishly at him and started to slurp your noodles. Well, damn, that was hot. After swallowing the noodles, you stick your tongue out, it was burning slightly. Goshiki chuckled, " Slowly now, we wouldn't want you to get burned again. " He pat your head and you nod, sighing the burning feeling away.

After a few seconds, you slowly and carefully started to slurp on your tiny ramen bowl again. The 4 boys smiled at you, looking happy and eating cutely.

After the 5 of you finished your meal, Ushijima picked you up and started to head out, the coaches paying while the players got into the bus. You hugged BunBuns and lay your head on Ushijima's shoulder comfortably, feeling warm and snuggly. You didn't notice him smiling and gently planting a kiss on your forehead. " Oh~ Is Ushijima finally warming up to little ___? " Tendou cooed, pinching your cheeks gently.

You tilt your head at what he said, you didn't know what warming up meant, unless it was warming up food or yourself from the cold. You looked at Ushijima, who seemed like he was having a hard time keeping his composure. " Dad..? " You suddenly blurt out as Ushijima blushed while Tendou laughed hysterically. " BWAHAHA THAT'S ADORABLE, LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, LITTLE ___!! " Tendou pointed at Ushijima and you followed his finger. Ushijima wasn't moving a single inch, it was as if he became a statue. You giggled and snuggled into his arms, with Tendou still laughing beside you.

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