•|| Chapter 22 ||•

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" Say Kenma, between ___ and Kuroo, who would you pick if- "

" Pudding. "

" But I didn't finish my- "

" Pudding. "

Yaku sighs as Kenma takes you from him. " You like her a lot, don't you? " Yaku pauses, patting your head as Kenma nods. " It's not like any of us dislike her either. " He mutters, eyes boring into your sparkly and cute ones as a smile creeps onto his lips.

" Dude, why are you crying!? " Yamamoto asked as the 3rd year before him stood with nonstop tears flowing down his cheeks. " I DON'T KNOW. " He sniffles and wiped his tears.

" Kuroo-san, you're weird sometimes. " Lev says, earning a smack on the back of the head from his slightly shorter captain. " Break is over!! " Coach Nekomata yells as Kenma and Yaku stands up with you between them. " You can play over there, ___. We can eat together later. " Yaku smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek before sending you off to another team.


" Little ___~ You look bored, wanna play volleyball with Dad and I? " Tendou pokes your cheek as your eyes widen and look up at him with instant excitement. " Yes!! " You jump and cling onto him, which didn't surprise him since he knew you jumped high but it did shock the others. " She's just like Number 10... " Semi mutters, " 10? You mean Hinata? " Goshiki asks as Semi nods.

" She already knows how to toss. " Reon reminds Tendou, who was getting a volleyball from the basket full of it. " Catch, little ___!! " He says, throwing the ball to you.

And it hit you on the face.

You fall on your butt with a thud as you catch the ball on your lap. Your face was red as Tendou faints with Ushijima just looking at him. " Chibi-chan!! " Semi rushed to your aid, lifting you back on your feet as the others walk towards you. " Are you okay?? Does it hurt?? " He gently rubs your cheeks, cheking if you'd show a flinch or a sting.

But to their surprise, you only smiled and laughed with a bit of tears falling down your red cheeks.

" She's alive, Tendou. " Ushijima nudged Tendou with his foot. " That's mean, Wakatoshi-kun. " Tendou says with his voice a bit muffled, he sits up and crawls over to you and the others. " Semi semi, are you mad- " Tendou got cut off when Semi glared at him.

" Okay, I'll stay here for a bit. " Suddenly, Tendou is at the corner of the court.

" Chibi-chan, does it still hurt? " Semi turns back to you, wiping your small tears away as you shake your head. " I'm fine...play!! " You smile and show Semi the ball, wanting to get did of boredom with playing. Semi only sighed, " Alright, but you have to tell me when you're tired okay? " He asks, standing up as you hum in response.

" Let's start with receiving, shall we? " Semi looked over to Yamagata, since he was the libero, he was the best one to receive. Semi took your ball and tosses it to Yamagata, who recieved it with ease. " Can you follow what he did, ___? " He turned to you, you had your hands formed into the proper receiving pose, which surprised Semi and he gave you a pat on the head.

" Good! Now you know the form, try to follow what Yamagata does. Goshiki, can you grab another ball? " Semi asks as the 1st year hurriedly grabs one from the basket. " I'll toss the ball to Yamagata, and you, Goshiki will pass the ball very lightly to her at the same time as me, okay? " Semi instructs as both you and Goshiki nods.

" Here we go, one, two, and three! " Both of them passed and tossed the ball with Yamagata easily receiving it. You stare at the ball as it goes towards you lightly, you felt the ball was going too close to your face, so you stepped back a little and successfully received it without getting hurt.

" Wah!! That's our ___!! " Tendou sheered whilst clapping his hands. " Are you really 3 years old or are you a professional player hidden in a child's body? " Ushijima asked you, although you didn't get whatever he said, you just smiled and nodded. " I don't think she understands your question, Ushijima. " Reon says whilst giving you a pat on the head.

" Can she spike next?? " Goshiki popped out from behind Shirabu, who smacked the back of his head, " Just because she jumps high, doesn't mean she can spike, she's still a child. " He scolded him. " Enough. " Kawanishi stood between them to stop the fight. " Spike!! Spike!! " You wanted to try it, although they probably wouldn't let you, it's not like you actually have to spike though.

Shirabu looked over at Semi, who was calling him with hand gestures. " Here's what we'll do. " He whispered to Shirabu, who nodded and grabbed a volleyball. " ___, do you wanna spike? " Shirabu asks as you waddles towards him excitedly.

" I'll assume that's a yes. Alright, Semi-senpai will pass the ball and then I'll toss it to you. Once you get it, hit it downwards as hard as you can. " He explains as Kawanishi picks you up. " No jump? " You tilt your head as they shake their heads, " You're tiny. " Kawanishi says, pointing at the net, which they were right. You couldn't jump that high to reach the net yet.

" Right, here we go. " Semi passes the ball to Shirabu, which tossed it towards you. Since Kawanishi was holding you, Semi quickly and sneakily put his hand under the ball before you could touch it and before it got too close to your face, so it would portray that you actually spiked the ball. You did spike it though, with the secret help from Semi.

Satisfied and proud of yourself, you cheer and laugh loudly as Kawanishi puts you down. Everyone praised you for doing your first spike. With a lot of energy after spiking, you ran around and gave everyone a hug. " One more, please!! " You bring the ball to Semi again, bouncing excitedly. 

" She looks like a puppy going to it's owner. " Ushijima blurts out bluntly. " That's...I really don't know how to answer that. " Yamagata looked at his captain weirdly before shaking it off and helping Tendou come back by saying that Semi wasn't mad anymore.

Although Tendou didn't believe him, Yamagata just dragged him to Semi, who scolded him before forgiving the redhead since you forgave him too.

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