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Chapter Three:

A knock on the main door has Asher awakening from his slumber. He whines, nuzzling his face deeper into the cushion. It smells like Scotty — all flowery and safe. He doesn't have to get up, Scotty will surely get the door. Besides, it's not like Asher is even allowed to. He huddles closer to himself, intent on falling back asleep, but then the knock sounds once more. Sighing, Asher forces his eyes open and reluctantly lifts his face from the cushion. He blinks at his surroundings, the TV is off and when Asher turns his gaze towards the window, the blinds are ever so slightly parted and the early sun rays are drifting through.

He rubs his knuckles unto his eyes and strains his ears for any sounds. He can hear the soft snores coming from the room further down the corridor, Scotty seems to be in deep slumber. There's another knock at the door and Asher sucks in his bottom lip, teeth biting into the pink flesh. Should he wake Scotty up? No, he's not allowed to. That would get him into trouble. Then... should he go answer the door? No, he can't do that either. Mulling over his thoughts, Asher releases his bottom lip with a sigh. The knock sounds a fourth time and Asher stands to his feet. The hoodie he has on falls further down his thighs and grazes the tops of his knees. Scotty had given him a new hoodie yesterday, along with a pair of pants that Asher merely folded back up and left on the cabinet just outside Scotty's room. They were too big on him and kept on sliding down his hips, there was no point in wearing them. Besides, Scotty was barely at home to see him walk around half naked anyways.

Walking hesitantly down the corridor, Asher makes as little noise as possible. He pauses at the front door, unsure if he should actually open it. Would Scotty finally snap and hurt him if he did? Sniffling, Asher slowly flips the lock and then curls his fingers around the handle. It's cold. Swallowing unsurely, he pulls the handle lower and then opens the door a little by little. He shivers when he gets hit by a gust of cold wind, nose scrunching up as he catches the scent of vanilla. Asher makes himself look smaller as he gazes up at a woman with blonde hair. She's pretty, dressed in slacks, a button up and a matching blazer. The woman gazes down at him with curious eyes, head tilted to the side, an index finger held over the many buttons of her phone. She flips it closed, a smile gracing her lips.

"Oh?" She says, tone soft, "Scotty wasn't lying when he said he had a cute puppy."

And that's when it hits Asher, this woman isn't human. She's just like him. She smells human, but there's an underlying scent that screams predator at him. Asher takes a step back, eyes wide as he digs his fingers into his thighs through the material of his hoodie. His breath catches in the back of his throat and his heart starts to thunder behind his ribcage.

The woman merely softens her smile and breezes past him as she enters the apartment, not a single part of her body touching his own. Asher stares after her as she makes her way down the corridor, sticking her head inside one room and then another. Scrambling to close the door, Asher follows after her. Her holds his hand just above his chin, the cuff of the hoodie hiding his mouth as he chews on his fingernails with anxiety ridden movements.

This was it. This was the moment that Scotty was undoubtedly going to hit him. This was the moment that Scotty was finally going to snap and take out all his anger on him. Feeling his eyes water, Asher rubs at them with the sweater paws of his hoodie. He had been doing so well too — cleaning after himself, making sure there was something always on the table for Scotty to eat when he came back home. He had kept out of Scotty's sight, made himself small and just pretended his senses weren't always on high alert whenever the older male got too close. Asher sniffles quietly, stopping a few steps behind the blonde woman as she knocks her knuckles against the wood of Scotty's door.

Hot tears travel down his cheeks and he rushes to wipe them away, bottom lip quivering as he holds back a frightful sob. 

There's a low groan from the other side of the door followed by the sound of rustling. The door knob creaks, Asher watches it twist before the door opens to reveal Scotty. His dark hair is ruffled and his eyelids are lowered, expression tired as he scratches at his lower abdomen. He's shirtless, dressed in only a pair of grey sweatpants. Scotty blinks tiredly at the blonde woman, confusion flickering across his features as he turns his gaze to a sniffling Asher. He shoots a look to the blonde female and she returns it, crossing her arms across her chest. They seem to be close enough to understand each other just by facial expressions.

Asher watches them silently talk to each other, his flight or fight response working in the background as the blonde haired woman nods down the corridor. She then walks towards the kitchen and disappears behind the door.

Taking a hesitant step back, Asher stares up at Scotty with wide hazel coloured eyes. His chest tightens and his breath comes out in quick, short puffs of air. Panic rises into his being when Scotty stares down at him with his coal like eyes. Screwing his eyes shut, Asher turns on his heels and tries to bolt it back into the living room — tanned fingers curling tightly around his wrist halt him in the process. He gets pulled backwards until his back is pressed against a hard chest and he lets out a distressed whine, squirming when an arm wraps around his waist to hold him in place. Hot breath fans the side of his neck and Asher digs the fingernails of his free hand into the arm wrapped around him. Too close, he thinks, Scotty is too close. Tears spill down his cheeks and his chest heaves with every breath he takes.

"Easy," Scotty murmurs, voice low and deep, just a step away from a rumble as his lips brush against Asher's ear. It sends a shiver running down the younger's back and Asher stills, the hair on the back of his neck standing to attention. He gives a high, little keening sound and turns his head, nose bumping into Scotty's jawline and catching the direct scent of coffee and something flowery. It makes him mewl softly.

"You — you need to stop making noises like that," Scotty gruffs out, the tone of his voice even lower than before. He unwraps his arm from around Ashers waist and instead tugs him inside his bedroom. He lets Asher stand in the middle of the room and shuts the door closed. He doesn't need Lily to overhear more than she's already overheard — especially the embarrassing sounds that Asher had just made a few moments ago. Those sounds had gone directly to his—

Shaking his head, Scotty clears his thoughts. He looks back at Asher who's wiping away his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie, chest heaving and hands shaking. He's scared. Scotty wonders if he's scared of Lily because it's someone he hadn't met prior or if he's afraid of Scotty because he thinks he might hurt him. He thinks back to the conversation he had with Aleja last night and sighs. She had said something about Asher liking the living room because it was the only room besides Scotty's own that smelt like him the most. She said it was about safety and scenting and a few other things that flew right over his head.

Scrubbing a hand down his face, Scotty realises for perhaps the umpteenth time that he's ill equipped for taking care of the obviously abused brown haired male. Scotty then does quick work of gathering up his duvet from his bed and without a hint of hesitation drapes it around Asher's small shoulders. He tugs on the edges,  pulling it further around to Asher's chest.

"See?" Scotty says, ducking his head as he tries to see Asher's face, "It's my scent."

Asher sniffles loudly and slowly lowers his hands from his face, fingers curled around the cuffs of the hoodie. His eyes are red and puffy, cheeks stained with tears and his lips are quivering. He stares up at Scotty with wide, wet eyes.

"My scent," Scotty tries again. "It's safe," he murmurs stepping closer, "Right?"

A soft sound escapes Asher's lips, a mix between a mewl and a keen as he tugs the edges of the duvet from out of Scotty's hands and brings it up higher to his face. He buries his nose into it and nuzzles his face into the soft material, letting out a content sigh as he does so. It makes Scotty feel sort of important, a little elated really, and maybe even a bit possessive because well, that's his scent that's calming Asher down. Not anyone else's, his.

1565 words//unedited.

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