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It's been over a month since I've last updated this... so here we are.

Chapter Six:

Scotty gently leads Asher into his bedroom, hand placed over the small of the younger's back. Ashers steps are hesitant and small, his blanket and pillow are clutched to his chest and there's a confused dip between his brows that Scotty thinks is cute. But there are also dark circles under Ashers brown eyes that look like deep bruises. Ever since Scotty had found Asher asleep in his room, Asher had simply stopped sleeping. At first, Scotty hadn't realised because he was always coming home late and going straight to bed. But there had been a few times that Scotty had peeked into the living room and Asher was wide awake, gaze unblinking as he watched whatever was playing on the TV. Scotty hadn't thought much of it, maybe he had just woken him up again when he came in. That had happened a few times before. Of course, that wasn't it.

The one time that Scotty decided to take a few days off work, was the time that he realised that Asher wasn't sleeping. It was in the way he carried himself around the house, leaning against walls and furniture to close his eyes for several seconds before he moved on. There was just a deep, aching tiredness to him that has Scotty's heart clenching painfully. He didn't understand why Asher wasn't sleeping. But he knew who could.

Barely a few minutes after a hurried call to Aleja and Scotty was leading Asher into his room. Aleja's words had been, "shove him onto the bed and get it over with," which he hoped roughly translated to, "make him sleep in your bed, where it's safe." She didn't quite know what was wrong with Asher either, or maybe she did and she just kept the information away from Scotty. She had also muttered a snide, "hope he feels better than any woman you had," to which Scotty abruptly ended the call, face flushed. Aleja just wanted to make him suffer. The witch.

Clearing his throat, Scotty gives what he hopes isn't an awkward smile. "Okay," he murmurs, pausing to move his hand across the small of Asher's back to squeeze at his hip reassuringly, "you can sleep now."

Asher tilts his head to stare up at Scotty with a bewildered expression. His mouth is slightly parted, brows furrowed and nose scrunched up. He's staring at Scotty like he has suddenly grown an extra head. Like he's not sure what he's heard is exactly right.

Swiping a tongue over his lips, Scotty remembers a conversation with Lily from not long ago. She was like Asher too. She had mentioned a few things, there had been talks of scents and general space, of nests and other things (more detailed than whatever Aleja had told him.) But there had also been orders, commands more like. Scotty would just have to order Asher to sleep. That was it, wasn't it? He would just have to Alpha Asher to sleep. Simpel. Yeah. He could do that.

Lowering his voice, Scotty matches his gaze with Ashers and tightens his grip on the youngers bony hip. He sets his jaw. "You're going to sleep now," he says, "no — we're going to sleep." He makes sure the tone of his voice leaves no space for any arguments. Asher shivers underneath his touch, head ducking as he sucks in a surprised breath. Scotty rubs his thumb against Ashers hip in a soothing way. He's not angry with him. He just needs him to sleep. Scotty pulls Asher along, closer until they're at the edge of his bed. He nudges Asher to get on with it.

He does.

After a few seconds of loud hesitation, Asher raises his knee over the edge of the bed and then pauses, unsure of his movements. He turns to look over his shoulder at Scotty, bottom lip quivering.

Swallowing audibly, Scotty raises his gaze from where he had been openly peering at the back of Ashers pale and smooth thighs, the grey hoodie he's wearing barely hiding them. "Bed." He orders, voice a little more low and raspy. He ignores it in favour of watching Asher shudder, pulling himself on top of the bed, settling his legs underneath him as he sits. It's silent for a moment, Scotty's heart is loud and booming inside his head, like a drum. But then Asher moves, he rearranges Scotty's pillows at the top of the bed and adds his own, pulls the duvet around into a semi-circle at the end of the bed and then settles himself into the middle with his blanket underneath him.

Scotty's mind fills with utter silence.

A nest.

A fucking nest.

Asher has built an impromptu nest on Scotty's bed. And now he's just laying there, curled on his side and shivering, waiting.

Scotty is moving before he even knows it. He pays extra attention to not disrupting the duvet and pillows, crawls across the bed and lays himself down opposite Asher — a mere few centimetres sits between them now. If either of them would want to reach out, to touch, than they clearly can.

Asher gazes at Scotty, hazel coloured eyes wide. There is fear in the shake of his shoulders and distrust in the way that he curls his fingers into the material of his hoodie near his stomach.

He still doesn't trust Scotty. That's fine, Scotty reassures himself internally as he relaxes into the comfortable covers of his bed, one day he will. For now, Scotty slowly reaches out a hand and under Ashers careful eye, he wraps it around the brown haired males knee. He softly rubs his thumb over where the carpet burn had been a week prior, just to remind him of how close they had been, breathing in each other's scents, holding onto one another.

Asher tenses underneath his touch at first and then eases, his shoulders stop shaking and he lets out a quiet, little sigh. Tentatively, as if he's not sure if he's allowed to, he uncurls a hand from his hoodie and lays it atop Scotty's own. Asher guides Scotty's hand higher up his leg, until it's splayed across his thigh.

Scotty's mouth is suddenly too dry. The skin across across Asher's thigh is unblemished, plaint, declicate. It's unbearably soft. Warm, actually. Asher pulls his hand slowly away and curls it back into his hoodie. He hides his face into his pillow, Scotty can just about see the tips of his ears turning red. Forcing his breath to stay even, Scotty tightens his grip around Ashers thigh, presses his fingertips into pale skin and lavishes in the loud purr that Asher then makes.


Scotty is way past being enamoured.


When morning comes, Scotty wakes from the sensation of something or rather someone, moving underneath his arm. There is soft hair tickling the underside of his jaw and he feels comfortably warm. Groaning, he tightens his grip around the person's awfully slim waist. "Stop moving," he grouches. Scotty is pretty sure it's too early to be getting out of bed, much less to be moving at all.

The body underneath his arm makes a weak noise, something akin to a whimper. Then there are fingers digging into Scotty's arm. It isn't painful. It is bordering on uncomfortable though. Huffing, Scotty peels his eyes open and with a bleary gaze, he maneuvers himself to sit over the person, or at least, he tries to. He finds himself on his knees with another person's thighs on each side of his waist and a hand held in his own that he holds to the side of his face. 

Scotty blinks the haze out of his eyes.

"Good morning," he rumbles when he finds Asher underneath him, cheeks in a delicious shade of red and lips ever so slightly parted. His hoodie is hiked over one side of his chest, showing off delectable skin and when Scotty lowers his gaze he finds his eyes glued to Asher's boxers. They're cute. With little paw prints all over them. Aleja's doing, no doubt.

Tilting his head, Scotty pretends his heart suddenly isn't trying to escape his chest. He trails his gaze back up, matches his coal coloured eyes with hazel ones and swipes a tongue over his bottom lip hungrily.

Asher lets out a pitiful whine underneath him and tilts his head back like he's trying to hide, showing off his perfectly unmarked neck in the process.

Scotty suddenly wants to leave a mark behind. A dark, bruising mark that will last for days.

A loud buzzing sound from the main door startles him so much his eyes go wide as he tips backwards and falls onto the floor with a loud crash. He groans and mutters a string of curse words. Twisting his limbs around, Scotty gets on his knees and peers over his bed.

Asher has his face buried in a pillow and his blanket is thrown over his whole body. He makes an embarrassed sound.

Scotty gives a disappointed sigh.

Damn it.

1506 words//unedited.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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