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Chapter Five:

Scotty pauses in the doorway of his bedroom, unsure of what he's seeing is actually true or just a figment of his imagination... because Asher is curled up on the floor at the foot of Scotty's bed, making soft little noises that oddly sound like purrs as he nuzzles his cheek against the cushion he's dubbed as his. His blanket is twisted around his pale legs, the hoodie he has on rests high across his chest, showing of the pretty pale skin across his stomach and back. Scotty lowers his gaze to the pink skirt Asher still has on. He almost groans when Asher moves his knees closer to his chest and the skirt moves higher up his thighs to reveal more skin. Tearing his gaze away, Scotty rubs both his hands down his face.

Was the living room no longer good enough for Asher? Apparently not. Was Scotty going to kill Aleja for buying Asher a skirt? Absolutely. Had Scotty gone home to just check up on Asher and give him some food and now was standing in the doorway of his bedroom for a whole five minutes like an idiot? Why yes he was.

Checking the time on his watch, Scotty realises he has a few more minutes left before he has to go back to work. He returns his line of sight back to Asher on the floor and can't help but snort. Why was he on the floor? Scotty wouldn't really mind if Asher just slept on his bed. He supposes Asher didn't fall back asleep after what happened last night and Scotty doesn't blame him. He steps into his room and sits down beside Asher, pulling one knee up to his chest and letting the other leg rest against the floor. Scotty hesitates before he gently places the palm of his hand against Ashers cheek, his fingers settling across the males brown hair. It's soft. He unconsciously threads his fingers through thick locks of hair and rubs the pad of his thumb across Ashers pale cheek. It makes the younger male purr a little louder, his cheek pressing further into Scotty's hand.

Scotty's a bit... enamoured.

He blames Aleja.

He's never exactly looked at another male in that way. But here he was. If it wasn't for Aleja dropping Asher at his doorstep and buying the younger male a skirt of all things — well, Scotty doesn't want to dwell on those things. Instead, he lowers his head and hums lowly as the tip of his nose presses against Ashers own. "Wake up," he murmurs quietly. "You need to eat something."

Asher answers him with another purr except this one is much louder. He even presses closer into Scotty and nuzzles his nose against the older males. It makes Scotty give a small laugh. He reluctantly pulls away and retreats his hand from Ashers face.

With a furrow of his brows, Asher whines at the loss of contact. Scotty gazes down at him as he slowly flutters his eyes open and takes in his surroundings.

"Hungry?" Scotty asks, smiling.

Freezing up, Asher stares up at Scotty with wide eyes as if he's just realised that the other male was sat at his side. He makes an awkward sound and hastily scrambles around in a panic, he gets to his feet, the blanket wraps around his legs even more and Asher trips forward with a loud yelp. Scotty has just enough time to catch Asher by one of his wrists, he places the other hand onto Ashers hip and lets out an 'oof' as his back hits the carpet and Asher lands on top of him.

Scotty blinks owlishly when he finds Ashers face mere millimetres away from his own, noses touching and lips grazing. Ashers eyes are wide, unblinking with something akin to fear. Scotty tightens his fingers around Ashers wrist reassuringly, holding it steadily to the side of their heads. He clears his throat when he notices the fact that Asher has a leg on each side of his waist, the pink skirt mocking him as it sits over Ashers thighs. Scotty slowly manoeuvres them both into a sitting position, taking extra caution in guiding Asher to sit comfortably across his lap. He releases his hold on Ashers wrist and instead settles both his hands onto the other males hips. "You hurt anywhere?" He asks, flickering his gaze all over the younger male.

Sniffling, Asher cradles his hands to his chest and nods his head. He makes a little noise, a mix between a whine and a keen and shifts one of his legs to catch Scotty's attention. Scotty furrows his brows and wraps a hand underneath Ashers knee and carefully raises it a little higher. There's a weird, red skid-like mark across his knee with a few scratches that are oozing out tiny droplets of blood — a carpet burn. Scotty almost sighs in relief, until he looks back at Ashers face and sees the brown haired male wiping away his tears with the sleeves of his hoodie, chest heaving and hands shaking, bottom lip quivering. It makes Scotty's chest ache.

"Hey — no, don't cry. It's okay. We'll clean it up and it'll be alright." Scotty ducks his head lower to get a better look at Ashers face, murmuring soft words as he does so. He places his hand at the back of Ashers skull, threads his fingers through soft brown hair once again and leads the younger males face into the crook of his neck. He needs Asher to calm down and stop crying. What better way to do it then use his own scent? It makes Asher feel safe after all.

It takes a few seconds to work, but then Asher mewls and wraps his arms loosely around Scotty's neck. He presses closer into the older male, runs the tip of his nose against the underside of Scotty's jawline and breathes in the direct scent of the other males cologne. It's the smell of something flowery mixed in with coffee and something, something darker. It makes him moan, high and breathy and needy.


Scotty's admits he's a little more than enamoured.


When Scotty returns back to work, Lily sends him one of her looks. She's stood over her desk with files in her hands, her eyebrows are raised and there's a little lift to the side of her mouth. She eyes Scotty up and down with an odd look in her eyes.

"What?" Scotty asks, stopping at his own desk beside the females.

"Nothing." Lilly says. She pushes the files in her hands against Scotty's chest and Scotty fumbles to hold them. "Just wondering why you smell like honey and apples," she muses.

Scotty stares at the female in confusion for a few seconds before it hits him. Sometimes he forgets how well Lily's nose works. "It ain't like that," He denies, lowering his voice so the others in the bullpen don't overhear their conversation. "I just changed my cologne."

"Uh huh," Lily quips, matching his tone. "So you didn't have your cute pup in your arms when you went to check up on him?"

"Ha, Ha." Scotty drones and flips through the files in his hands instead. "Say," he says after a moment of staring at the papers, "What if I took him to have dinner with my family?"

With a small laugh, Lily pats him on the shoulder. "Already showing him off to the family. That's cute."

Scotty ignores her.

1253 words//unedited.

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