Chapter One; My hiding place in plain site

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That's it..

Sticks and stones break these bones; my brother Jasper left without a word or letter yesterday . I guess he decided that he couldn't deal with our overbearing parents anymore. But still, that meant he had left me for dead; we were twins for crying out loud!

Right about now my parents were at the hospital, but not because they were hurt.

They were the best doctors in our small town of Green Valley, but believe me its nothing like the pamphlet said. Okay, so I may have over exaggerated a little there but the scenery was perfect. A little to perfect to not have something wrong with it, a normal person wouldn't see anything wrong with our humble home of Green Valley; but I could because my family was one of the many wrinkles leading up to the mistakes.

My parents argued and fought all the time but never divorced, they were always at work and pretended to know what was best for us and pressured us to do what they wanted.

I kick a stone with my bare feet, my thick raven black hair moving loosely around my waist. The movement causes my glasses to fall a little ways down my nose, I had nothing wrong with my eyes; but they were different colors, one was amber and one was icy blue.

This morning had already been stressful, when I had gotten to school my bestfriend and only friend completely cut me off. Now I was a complete Loner, one that nobody wanted to be friends with because they thought I had some kind of illness.

I might as well though, because an illness would actually give them a reason for them to avoid me.

"Shit.." I mumble under my breath, I crouch down and grab my big toe in a tender grasp. I glare at the protruding tree root that had gotten in my way. "Darn it, you just 'bout made me blow a casket"

I get up and feel rain drops on my cheeks, "Okay, now I'm ticked.." I mumble angrily grabbing my glasses off of my face and hastily wiping them.

I look down at them, if anything they made my vision worse but I knew I couldn't just get rid of them because my parents would just make me get a worse looking pair.

I knew I had to get to the house, but I didn't want to. I did however ,want to bash my hands profoundly into something hard over and over to calm my anger. Violent? I know, and you don't have to remind me. I clenched my fists hard enough to draw a little bit of blood. Continuing my search for a release, I found a tree ;and punched it without overthinking my actions. I didn't want to hold in my feelings anymore, I wanted people to see the real me; I wanted them to be scared, because they should be.

Not really remembering the outcome of last night but feeling my knuckles were sore I knew that I had done something irrational. I pulled myself out of bed and started to walk to my in suit, but my feet got caught in the sheets that I had pushed onto the ground in my sleep. I feel straight onto my wrist, I didn't hear a crack or feel a pop but I knew that it was no going to be sore. I slowly climbed to my feet, scratching my back and yawning while I went across my room to my closet. pulling out my black and orange thrasher shirt and my ripped jeans with tights underneath them, after that I grabbed my red converses and moved onto take a shower.

I towel dry my thick hair and let it cascade down my back to dry a little before actually brushing it. I didn't want to go to school to be honest but I also didn't want to stay home so I decided on something that would make me have a slightly less moody morning and went for coffee.

I grabbed my keys and went to my beautiful motorcycle I named Ray, after my adorable Husky. Ray was a Christmas present from Jasper Three years ago, but I didn't want to think of that now.

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