Chapter 18

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A/N These updates are gonna be really really slow... I'm sorry but I will try and finish this book. :) BTW IDK whats happened and I've had to do a bit of research... so sorry if it is not up to date. I am also writing in the style of my old self...if that makes sense. I am trying to think what 1 year ago me would say as present me is a depressed piece of shi-

I'm sorry. Just had some technical difficulties... WOW This author is really bad...

Massive time skip to present day

3rd person

Many things have happened over the years. Sketch is now friends again with the Pals, he lives with his boyfriend Ant and is planning something really special which would bring them closer together. There YouTube careers are currently the best they have ever been gaining 10k subs every day! Zack and Joe are still together and are happily married and currently on there honeymoon. The wedding took place a week ago with everyone attending; even if it means Echo had to watch it through Skype as she was too busy with work. Talking about Echo, her and Charlie are suffering with a long distance relationship but are managing with it for now. They have been calling each other everyday and the call lasts for at least 9 hours even when she is meant to be working. Now... the Pals aren't as happy. Corl has been kicked from the group after an incident with a fan which happened just less then a year ago...they all said they would stay friends but they haven't talked since as he started spreading lies about them. Sub still is the mute boy he is. Barely says a word that kid! Alex and Denis are currently living together as friends (but they are definitely more than that) and still make fun content. They all still talk regularly and record videos together. 

Now. Lets focus on Sketch. He had something planned and it has been for a long time. His friends have helped him a lot to get to this point and he is so scared. He just had to go with the plan and it will go well. He wanted it to be the most special time of his life. He had picked up what he needed the night before so all he needed was to wait. 

The morning he woke up, he could barely keep still. He woke up Ant in the process which annoyed him a bit but he couldn't keep the smile of his face.

"Why you so excited?" Ant asked groggily. 

"Oh don't worry. You will soon find out" Sketch said as he hugged his boyfriend. 

They stayed in that position for quite some time until Sketch checked the time. 

"OMG! We need to get ready and go!" he shouted as he pulled himself out of bed. Ant was so confused but just followed on what Sketch was doing. "This day will be all about you" he smiled.

After they got changed, Ant got dragged into the car. Sketch was on a tight schedule so he was panicking a little bit. They pulled up to this waffle house. It was one of Ants favourite places to eat. They went inside and went to there usual table. They happily ate while laughing to each other's jokes. After they had finished they went to the park and hung out there. What Ant didn't realise was that some of his close friends were waiting for him there. 

They walked up the pathway hand in hand into the garden that the park put a lot of effort into. When they got to the opening, the friends walked to Ant and surprised him. 

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!" Ant happily said.

"We wanted to surprise you." Said Denis. He was standing with Alex a little too close... 

"Yeah. We haven't seen you in ages!" Said Charlie. Next to him was Echo and there hands were connected. They both had a big smile on there face and you could see they were happy to be with each other. 

They all had a big smile on there faces and they made there way to the bowling ally. The last time they were together before they split up they made a promise that when they are all together they need to go bowling. They had an amazing time and did three rounds (going to base this around my match) The first round were solos and had bumpers up. It started off with Denis getting a double strike and Sketch getting  a spare. Ant got 9 pins down and got annoyed but calmed down with a kiss from his boyfriend. Charlie only got down 6 and Echo got the dodgy 7. Alex also got a spare knocking down his one pin. Throughout this, they messed around and they had fun. The end result had Denis in first, Alex close behind. It then went Sketch and Echo then Ant then Charlie. The second match didn't have bumpers up and it changed the game. The end results had Alex first, Denis second, Ant third, Charlie fourth, Sketch fith and Echo coming in last. The last game was the couple game. So of course Ant was with Sketch and Echo was with Charlie. Denis and Alex went together and the games begin. Of course Alex and Denis came first and he fight was against the couples. At the end Ant and Sketch became victorious of the two and Charlie and Echo came last. Something suprised them though. When Alex and Denis won they kissed... 

A/N Hey... I updated...I will finish this book as I feel really guilty so your welcome. :)

Word count - 958

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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