Dean Portman

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The night before had been long, with the hockey game never seeming to end. For the Varsity team, the Ducks thought they could easily beat the Frogs, but they were wrong. The team full of short kids had ended the game in a tie with the Ducks. Lexi was tired from the long night, as well as her entire team. She didn't want to get up on the Friday morning. Lexi Knight's muscles ached everywhere and her eyes failed to open, her mind failed to function.

The game had taken forever to play and end, all players and coaches were tired. Lexi found hockey and high school to be quite tough, but she couldn't wait for school to finish. That way, it would only be hockey in her life and nothing more, that's if a team was willing to take her on. 

She lied asleep with her longtime boyfriend, Dean Portman, who was also just as tired as she was. They were almost eighteen years old and they'd slept together before. It was something all couples did. Turning over, Lexi couldn't move much with Dean's arm wrapped around her lower waist. She adored his soft side, she loved it, and he rarely showed it. He was always a tough guy who didn't show colours, other than black and white. 

Dean awoke after sleeping too long and needing to stretch. He let his arm go from Lexi, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, gazing around to see where he was. Remembering they'd gone to Lexi's house that night since it was closer than Eden hall after their last night's game. He stood up with a stretch and went to use the washroom.

When Dean came back, he checked the time quickly before turning back towards the bed. The girl lied on her stomach, her hair a mess, the sweater she wore was too big, the blankets were covering her loosely and the alarm clock beside her bed hadn't been set. Leaning across the bed, Dean brought a hand to Lexi's side to wake her up. She simply groaned and pulled the blankets up over her head, tucking them down with her hand.

"C'mom, Lex, we're gonna be late for school." He told her.

"Mmm..." She trailed.

He sighed and scooted over onto the bed, lying on top of her now because he knew she would eventually do something to get him off her. When he first poured all his weight onto her, he heard a groan, but then she grew quiet. As warm as she became, she was losing air. "Dean." She whined. "Come on, get off me."

"Not until I know your ass it outta this bed." He laughed, pulling the blanket away from her face to look at her. She looked at him with a grumpy face and bad hair, he could only laugh inside. "You look terrible."

"Only for you." She smiled. He kissed her quickly before getting up and taking her hand. 

"Love you." He told her.

"Love you too, Dean." She smiled, poking his side. 

"Ow." He laughed.

"Don't like that?" She giggled. "Well, I don't like getting up."

"That's different."


"Because you have to get up, whereas being poked is optional."

She began to laugh, what he was saying seemed to make her laugh. He let her be so they wouldn't be more late than they already were.On her feet, she headed for her closet to change from the tank top and shorts to something a little more cozy for school. Dean grabbed her truck keys and waited for her to get dressed and fixed herself.

Him being a board student at the school, he didn't exactly have a car since he wasn't exactly residing in the town. He drove whenever he could and because Lexi had a car, that meant he got to drive and she didn't mind it because that meant she could do as she pleased while someone drove her around.

After getting dressed, the couple headed downstairs to face Lexi's parents, who'd known Dean for several years. They walked hand in hand, Lexi's hair and makeup done with her bag hanging off her shoulder and her eyes tired. Dean wide awake, but not for much longer. "Hey, night went well?" Her mother asked.

Dean didn't have anything say, he never really spoke or had conversations with her parents much. Sometimes he thought that they were on to him and the relationship. "Yeah, why?" Lexi asked, turning to look at her mother as they headed for the front door.

"Just wondering. Hockey was longer than it was supposed to be, just making sure you're both awake."

"Definitely awake." Dean nods. 

"Well, have a good day, kids." She smiled.

"Bye mom." Lexi waved, walking out the door with Dean in tow. Once they got outside, she laughed and hopped around, tapping Dean's arm as she did. "Did she think that we...?" She laughed.

He nods. "I guess so." He shrugged. "Let's go, Babe." He held her door open and they headed off for school.

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