Chapter 4

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"Young one, if you wish to flee I give you permission to," Regis speaks to Fira.
"Sorry, your majesty but I'll pass. I swore an oath to you when I was given the chance to become a oath that I would do whatever in my power to protect Lucis and I'll see to it." Fira says.

Her loyalty despite the feelings she still holds so deeply for the prince was intact, over the years she had been growing up here in the city and around not just the prince himself but as well as the King she grew to respect the man behind her.

Getting into a ready stance she narrowed her eyes as the Niff's General easily took down the people before her and went after her, using her blade she blocked his incoming attack.

"Your loyalty to the king is admirable, however, it will only get you killed." He speaks.
"If death awaits me then so be it. I'll protect the king and the city until my last breaths." Fira says.

Despite being at a huge disadvantage Fira continued to get up each time she was knocked down by the General and attack, however, this man was overpowering them as they fought together, but through their efforts much later Clarus was killed before her and the king's eyes.

'Shit! I can't let this get any worse!' Fira thought.

"Your majesty!!" Fira shouts.

Just before he could get wounded Fira got up on her feet and stood in front of the king, her arms stretched own taking the slash to her back herself. Grunting in pain she stumbled forwards into the king's arms who looked at her equally horrified.

"Fira!" Regis shouts holding her by the arms.
"We need to get you out of here." Fira gasps out slowly raising her head to look at him.
"Try as you may, you'll both die here."

Fira looked from side to side with a glare, shouting she tried to stab the General in the shoulder but he easily blocked it, punched her in the stomach and tossed her to the side. The next thing he did was pull the king forwards and had actually cut off the man's finger where the ring rested on.

As Fira tried to get up she felt a heavy foot press into her back and slam her into the floor making her scream in pain. She wouldn't be able to get anywhere now...damn! This couldn't be happening she'd either die here now or be forced to watch her failure as the king dies and then her after.

But when Ravus held the ring and placed it on the weight on her back was gone and she was able to quickly crawl to Regis's side while Ravus seemed to be in pain from whatever the fuck the ring was connected to. Flames covering his entire arm.

So that's what power it holds...that of which if the person was unworthy huh?

Thankfully Nyx arrived along with the princess which let the four of them escape quickly to the elevator, as Luna dealt with the wound the king held Nyx looked over the wound on Fira's back much to her protest.

Nyx and the king then had a conversation and what just had transpired, not to mention that this was the only way to keep Noctis away from the Niffs wrath. He even gave Luna the ring to give to Noctis for when he would really need it.

Being asked to make sure Luna was safely brought out of the city where the wedding would be held Fira focused mostly on getting them out of there alive...all of them. When the doors to the elevator opened she walked out beside Nyx while Luna helped the king...but he later pulled back...staying behind.

"Your majesty! No, don't do this!" Fira says running to him.

Regis quickly placed a see-through wall between them all, smiling sadly at the youngest glaive he shook his head silently.

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