Chapter 7

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🚧Ok I get I say this a lot but like I think this is truly a 16 and up part 😂 I mean I just give warnings so that if you don't want to read this you don't have to🚧

I went to fathers office and knocked on the door.

"Hey Dad just wanted to let you know we're home." I said walking in to find him on his computer.

"How was it?" He smiled. I knew he really just wanted me to go so that I could forget what had happened.

"It was fun. Layla went out with a few friends." I saw the smile leave his face.

"Thank you. I'm happy you guys had a good time."

"Goodnight Dad." I smiled

"Goodnight Dove." I closed the door going up to my room I closed my door and pulled my shirt off.  Could this day just end?

The door popped open and I jumped holding the shirt to my body.

"I'm not done!"

"Luca What the hell! Get out!"

"No not until you hear what I have to say."

This man was really starting to get on my nerves now. I went to push him out with my free hand but he grabbed it pulling me to him.


"Not happening."

"Fine then say what you need to." I said trying to push away from him.

"You want to know why I act so protective around you? Because I want you." My whole body froze.

"God Dove I've wanted you for so long. That night that I saw that guy on you I was just so mad that it happened. I took my anger out on you and I shouldn't have. It's just so hard not to want to be with you." The tears fell from my face and I only wanted him.

"I can't Luca. Your going to marry Layla-"

"You don't think I know what she's been doing?"oh god. Please tell me he doesn't

"You don't think I know that she's been sneaking around with other guys?" My mouth dropped open as he said that.

"Believe me I know. But none of that matters because all I want is you Dove." His voice broke as he put his head to mine.

At this moment I didn't care. I didn't care if I got hurt or if I was doing something wrong. I wanted him.

I jumped up kissing him hard. Something went off in me when our lips touched. He reacted fast pulling me to him.

I felt him push me to my bed making me fall with him on top of me. I lifted his shirt off his head running my hands all over him.

My hands were over him like before and like they hadn't forgotten his body.

His kisses traveled down my neck stopping at the tie of my bathing suit.

He looked up to me and I nodded my head letting him know it was ok. I felt his hands softly go up my side to the tie and he undid the String pulling it out leaving me exposed. But with him I didn't mind it.

Luca kissed in between going all the way back up to my neck. He pulled the rest of my top off and pulled me to him.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked as he kissed my neck making me moan.

"Y-yes." He was taking my breath away and I just wanted him.

We pulled everything off each other and got under the covers. I felt his finger pull my chin up to look at him. Even In the dark I could still see his eyes and an out line of his body from the light of the moon that was coming through the window.

His eyes were telling me what they wanted and it was me. I could only hope mine did the same. This man had made me crazy and I loved it.

He wrapped my legs around him and kissed me softly. I  wrapped my arms around him and felt my lips part when he rocked into me.

My head fell back to my pillow as he froze in me for a moment.

This was the first time in a while for me so everything was one fire down there.

"Fuck." He hissed leaning his head in my neck.

"Dove your so tight." His grip on my hips was tight and I tried to move but he growled in my ear.

A squeal left my lips as I went still.

"Don't move baby. I don't want to scary you right away."

I knew what he was like. I knew that he wanted to take it slow right now and it made my heart swell.

But I also knew that it was taking everything in him not to take control like he wanted.

His lips left small kisses on my face as we stayed like that for a few moments. Just together so close looking into each other's eyes.

I tried to move my hips to his again but he kept me pinned down.

"Please Luca." I cried wanting him now.

And just like that he was pulling out and eight back into me.

I forgot what this feeling was like with him. It was so much at once and my body didn't know how to react to it.

When my body came down from my high I watched as he finished and just seeing his eyes was enough to make me fall.

We fell asleep in each other's arms and I couldn't feel safer. I was home in his arms.

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