♦︎Chapter 1♦︎ Curiosity

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♦︎Meh all I'm going to say is that I hope you enjoy this book. I really wanted to write this as it has been on my mind. Do bare in mind that my grammar isn't the best so if you see any mistakes then just ignore em. Plus the story doesn't follow the SU plot line so don't come at me. Anyway please enjoy and you can give suggestions for chapters as well, my DM is always open for new ideas.♦︎
(G/n) - gem name
(H/c) - hair colour
(H/l) - hair length
Don't forget that you are a gem

You sat in the barn on a heap of hay, bored out of you mind. You had recently been found by the Crystal Gems just wondering around in a forest somewhere, unable to remember anything before that. They let you stay in their barn with two other gems, Lapis and Peridot. Lapis wasn't really a fan of you but Peridot was your closest friend.

"Hey (G/n)!" You heard the screeching voice of Peridot come from the entrance of the barn. "Wanna hang out today. All the other clods have gone on a mission so it's just me and Lapis and you of course." You just shrugged your shoulders and led back on the hay, staring up at the ceiling in silence. "Something wrong (G/n)? You don't seem like yourself." Peridot said in a concerned tone. She thought that you were not enjoying earth or feeling left out.

"It's just that Lapis doesn't seem too happy with me staying here." You replied in a dull and bored tone. You always saw Lapis glaring at you in the corner of you eye and she would always question why you were enjoying earth so much. You didn't see the problem with the planet so you obviously called it home.

"Pfft, don't mind Lapis. She'll warm up to you eventually. Anyway let's go explore for a bit, you must be bored staying cooped up in here all day." You agreed with the small green gem and got up, dusting of the strands of hay that stuck to you uniform. "Steven told me that I should show you the beach and the house first." You just nodded and followed peridot outside. Everything still seemed new to you. You hadn't fully explored Beach City yet for yourself so this was a good opportunity.

The walk was quiet but you were busy getting distracted by different things that caught your interest. It was enough to pass the time and find yourself on the beach with Peridot, still leading the way. "Well this is the beach~". You had never been on a beach before let alone know what it was. The floor was soft and easy to dig into. The sound of crashing waves echoed around making everything peaceful.

"I don't come down to the beach that often but it's nice." Peridot mentioned as she watched you examine the sand beneath you. "Now in need to show you were the others live." You remembered the other gems that lives elsewhere on the beach. They only came to visit you in the barn as you were a bit scared of everything at first.

You walked pasted a large cliff on the beach until you came across a house being held up by a statue of a large gem fusion that faced off into the sea. "This looks cool." You muttered to yourself. "Yeah, we aren't allowed inside without a good excuse according to the 'All mighty Pearl'" Peridot exaggerated, making you laugh in response.

You walked back to the barn only to be greeted by a Lapis, as usual. "Oh hey. Where did you go?" Before you could respond, Peridot answered. "I just took (G/n) to the beach and showed them the house." Lapis just nodded in response. "The others should be back soon. I'm the mean time in going to sleep so don't disturb me."

You watched Lapis spread her water wings and fly up the her little resting place, where she usually took naps. "Watch, soon she will be snoring like a rocket engine." Peridot snorted before waking into the barn. "Anyway I'm going to record a log on my recorder so if you are going to do something, please be quiet about it."

You just walked in and sat in your hay pile again. Happy to finally relax and do nothing for a bit. You felt as if time was going super slow so you decided to sleep for a bit. Now if you remembered correctly, from Steven. You had to get comfortable and close your eyes. Then clear your mind and don't speak. You had only slept two or three times so you found it difficult at first.

Soon you managed to drift off into a slumber. All the surrounding noises soon drifted away and it all began to get dark. You suddenly found yourself on the beach. The one Peridot showed you around. Everything was blurry. You couldn't make out whether it was day or night. You suddenly felt a cold sensation wrap around your ankle with strong grip. The sudden feeling made you shudder as shivers raced up your spine.

You gained the courage and looked down, only to see a hand holding onto you. It was a gem. She was big and muscular, had orange skin and red stripes on her face and her arms and her hair was fluffy . She seemed to struggle a bit, unable to pick herself up from the sand. Suddenly the the gem looked up at you, panting uncontrollably.

Her gem stone was located on her nose. A triangular shape and was too, orange. "Help, me~." She whimpered. Her voice rough and scratchy. All you did was stand in shock. You didn't know what to do. Suddenly the gem screamed at you. "HELP ME!" You fell back, terrified as her grasp around your legs grew ever tighter.

Soon the sea water began to draw in quickly. Washing everything away, even you. You suddenly woke up and gasped. "Was that a dream?" You questioned yourself before looking outside. It was nigh time, with only the light shining from the moon. You could here Lapis gently snoring away and Peridot talking in her sleep so you were left alone.

You decided to go check the beach to make sure no one was there as the thought made you feel on edge. Slipping out the door, you traced your steps back to the sore line. Everything seemed normal to you. The sounds of the waves was almost calming. You walked along the beach just to be save and to reassure yourself that there was nothing to worry about.

However it was short lived when you came across something that reflected the moons light. It was of a triangular shape and you could make out that it was orange. It was half buried in the sand so you wasted no time and dug it up. It was smooth and looked like a gemstone. "Maybe Peridot will know." You said to yourself and hurried back to the barn.

As you thought about it, it reminded you of the dream you had. It looked like the gemstone that was located on the gems nose. Maybe your dreams were trying to tell you something but you didn't really look too deep into it. You just kept on running.

When you reached the barn you went over to Peridot and shook her gently. "Hey Peridot, I found something." You whispered, enough so that she could hear you. "Good for you." She yawned. "Show me later, I'm trying to sleep." As Peridot discarded you, you huffed in annoyance and just went back to your hay stack and collapsed on it.

You observed the gem you had in your hands and rubbed it, cleaning off the bits of sand that still clung to the smooth surface of the gemstone. You wondered whether it was just a random stone or if your dreams were actually true. Peridot was obviously focused of sleeping as she brushed you away and you didn't bother with lapis because she would have scolded you for waking her up.

Deciding it was best to go back to sleep, you held the gem against your chest and closed your eyes. It didn't take long before you were snoozing away again. Hoping that the night would skip past quickly so you could show your green friend what you had discovered.

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