♦︎Chapter 3♦︎ Feelings?

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It has been a couple of weeks now since Jasper had arrived and joined the group. You two became closer than ever as you shared the same hay stack with each other in the barn. Peridot had also began warming up the Jasper, occasionally sitting with you two before she got uncomfortable and left you two alone. Lapis was still not keen on the whole idea even thought it's been a while.

You and Jasper were led on the hay stack, Jasper just staring at the ceiling. It was early in the morning and you were still asleep. Jasper, on the other hand, was wide awake. She didn't see the point in sleeping during the nigh so she just stayed next to you for the entire night. Lots of things have been going through her head recently. Stuff that made her more confused and feel weird things.

Jasper rolled over to face you. You were still fast asleep. You would always wake up at a curtain time so Jasper had a bit of a wait before you would decide to wake up. Jasper just kept her eyes on you, thoughts running through her head. She raised her hand slowly and placed it on your shoulder, careful not to disturb you. This made her face begin to heat up and the weird feeling came back

Over time Jasper had grown unknown feelings for you, unsure of what to do about it. She did plan to ask Steven or Garnet about it as they were the experts. You also had feelings but you would normally push them away to stop yourself from being to flustered around Jasper.

Jasper began to rub your arm gently, earning a small hum from you as you slumbered away. She moved ever so closer until your faces were centimetres apart. She felt your soft breathing on her gem as she closed her eyes and began to think of you. Jasper's hair now beginning to drape over her face as she started to notice she was drifting away, darkness slowly engulfing her body.

She suddenly jolted back up before she could doze off completely which also woke you up with the sudden movement. "Jasper. Are you ok?" You asked tiredly, unaware of how close she was to you. Jasper quickly sat back up and stuttered with her words. "I- er yeah. I'm all good. Y-you should go back to sleep. It's too early." Jasper stated quickly.

You just hummed in response as you rested your head back down. "Why don't you try sleeping as well. I think you'll enjoy it." You said. Jasper was unsure whether she wanted to or not but had no say as you pulled her back down next to you. "Now, close your eyes and clear your mind." Jasper obliged and followed your instructions. "Oh and no speaking as well.

You shuffled up nice and close to the Quartz as you began to fall back asleep yourself. Jasper, on the other hand, just led there and secretly watched you, not interested in falling asleep but looking over you all while you slept peacefully on top of the hay next to her.

Time Skip (brought to you by writer's block)

You suddenly woke up to the sound of Lapis arguing outside. You noticed that Jasper had left so you figured she was the cause of all the commotion. You jumped up quickly and saw Lapis pushing Jasper away whilst she was screaming at her. You remembered how she told you to keep Jasper away from her. Jasper was obviously way to confused to understand what was going on.

"Get away from me!" Lapis pushed Jasper again and she stumbled into you as you walked out the barn. "Ugh! (G/n) I told you to keep her away from me." Lapis shouted, now directing all of her anger towards you. "Hey! Don't shout at my (G/n). She was asleep-!" You quickly covered Jaspers mouth to hush her up. "Hah, sorry Lapis~. Won't happen again." You said with a fake smile plastered on your face.

Lapis just grunted and flew away. You took a deep sigh of relief before looking back at Jasper, who was still annoyed. "Why did you stop me! She was shouting at you!" You held your hands up trying to calm her down. "I know, I know. But you're my responsibility." You groaned. "I don't see why she hates me so much. I only wanted to ask her a question." Jasper said.

You felt bad for Jasper. She was receiving so much judgment and she doesn't even know why. Neither did you to be honest. "I know Jasper, and I'm sorry." You said quietly, looking down at your feet. "But I'm sure everyone will soon warm up to you. It might take some time." You quickly wrapped yourself around Jasper, giving her a hug to make her and yourself feel better.

Jasper just stood there and blushed as the feeling of you being so close made her feel the same weird feelings as before. "Let's go somewhere else. Like the light house." Jasper had never been up there before so you thought it might be cool for her to visit and talk for a bit.

Jasper agreed to go so you lead the way towards the light house, Jasper sticking close to you. The walk was interesting. Jasper was easily distracted with everything from the flowers, to the small insects and even the odd cars that drove past on the road. It wasn't long before you started to climb the hill that led to the light house.

"How long left until we reach this place anyway?" Jasper asked. Her voice low and raspy. You could tell something as up with her. "We're almost there, just to the top of this hill." You said cheerfully. Maybe Jasper was just all worked up about the Lapis incident that happened earlier. Must have been harsh on her.

You finally reached the top and walked around until you sat on the cliff edge with Jasper beside you. "Isn't this cool?! You can see the sea and the beach, oh and the temple is right underneath us." Jasper just grunted in response, staring out to the open ocean. "Hey." You placed you hand on top of hers to grab her attention. "You haven't really been yourself lately. Is it because of Lapis?" You asked with concern.

"What? No. Not really." Jasper responded. She left your hand on top of hers as it comforted her. "Oh? So what's on your mind then. You can tell me anything you want to. I promise to keep it a secret if you want." Jasper sighed and felt herself giving in to your pleads. "It's ok, no one else is here anyway. It's just us two so you can tell me who's annoying or getting to you.."

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