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The next few days were exhausting. Every day a new town in Europe. England first, now Germany. She wanted to go site seeing. Her Dad wouldn't allow it though. She wasn't here on vacation, she was here working. Most of the time she sat in the same chair, legs propped up on the same amp box, listening to the same music. Sometimes writing, drawing, or rereading Darren's letter. Okay, mostly rereading that fucking soul crushing letter.

Jordan watched her every day. From a hidden spot, so she couldn't see him. He thought if he looked at her long enough he might figure her out. Jordan wasn't conceded, but he knew girls liked him. He had thousands of female fans throwing themselves at him every night. But not this girl. She barely looked at him. She laughed and joked around with Donnie and Danny. She had long, deep conversations with Jon. And she teased Joey like he was her kid brother. She talked to anyone who approached her, except for Jordan. He was beginning to form a complex.

He noticed that every day she pulled a letter out of her bag and read it. Then she'd cry. Then she'd pull out a picture. He couldn't see the picture, he had no idea who it was of. Her mom maybe, or her brothers. He tried to walk past her when she had it out, but she'd see him coming and put it away. Damn her!

One day he sat down with her. She ignored him, as usual. But today he refused to be ignored.

He motioned for her to take off her headphones. She reluctantly did. "Yes Jordan, how can I help you?"

"I was wondering what you're doing over here by yourself everyday. I see you sitting here with your headphones on and writing in your notebook. Can I ask what you listen to everyday? Or what you're writing in your book?"

She barely looked at him when she spoke, "Well today I'm listening to Queen. And I'm just writing down thoughts, favorite lyrics, just stuff like that."

"What are some of your favorite Queen lyrics?"

"Today, I'm stuck on the song "Save Me". It kind of speaks to me. It says everything I'm feeling right now. That's how you know a song is good. The lyrics speak to you."

"Yeah I get that. So what lyrics in that song are your favorite?"

She finally looked up at him. She stared into his eyes for a second, like she was trying to decide something about him. Then she looked away, back down at her notebook. She began writing again. He thought she was just ignoring him again. Then she tore out the bottom part of the page she'd been writing on. She folded it up and handed it to Jordan. Their fingers touched as she placed the paper in his hand. He felt electricity run through his fingers where hers touched him. Then she pulled her hand back and put her headphones back on, going back to ignoring him again.

He walked away, waiting to open the paper until he got back to his dressing room.

"Each night I cry I still believe the lie
I love you 'till I die
Save me save me save me
Save me save me oh save me
Don't let me face my life alone
Save me save me oh
I'm naked and I'm far from home"

The lyrics made him feel so sad. He knew she'd been hurt by someone she loved. And that she had been made to leave school and then leave home to go on the road with a bunch of strangers. He couldn't imagine what she's going through.

He quickly jotted down some lyrics on a piece of paper and folded it up.

Jordan grabbed the piece of paper he'd written on and put it in his pocket before leaving his dressing room to meet up with the other guys. When they all headed to the stage, he walked past Jo and put the paper in her hand.

Jo looked down at her hand, at the paper Jordan had just put there. She opened it up and read what it said.

"The slate will soon be clean
I'll erase the memories
To start again with somebody new"

She looked up in the direction Jordan had gone, he was standing just off the stage, looking at her. And God help her, she smiled at him. He sighed and smiled back at her before running onto the stage.

She thought really hard about the lyrics he'd picked. She knew she had to pick something to explain to him that she couldn't start anything new, with him or anyone. She knew the perfect song too.

"Since you been gone I can do whatever I want
I can see whomever I choose
I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant
But nothing
I said nothing can take away these blues
'Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares to you

It's been so lonely without you here
Like a bird without a song
Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling
Tell me baby where did I go wrong"

Surely he'd get her meaning. She folded up the paper and went to stand on the side of the stage. She could give it to him as he came off.

Standing here she can watch the performance of the group and the band. She hasn't seen her dad play in a very long time. She used to go on tour with him all the time. They were actually good. At one point Jordan saw her standing there. He winked at her. God he's such a damn flirt. He doesn't give up.

She was actually impressed watching him. He was sexy, she couldn't deny that. His looks weren't the problem at all. He was very talented. He was an amazing singer. And damn, he could dance. The way he moved his body was sexual, he oozed sex when he was on stage. The other guys came off stage and Jordan did a solo, "Baby I Believe in You". He knew she was watching him. So halfway through his performance she walked away, she went back to her "spot" and tried to get the image of Jordan, with his shirt opened up, showing his amazing body off, out of her head. 

She remained in her spot the rest of the show. He approaches her when he gets off stage. She's back to ignoring him. She just hands him the piece of paper, without saying a word to him or even looking at him. She got up and walked away. Going to help her dad put his gear up.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now