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The next year went by in a flash.

There were good times and bad times. And there were some very bad times. Jo knows JJ will have tough times after losing her father so suddenly. But it isn't as bad as Jo thought it would be. JJ's smart and understands what happened. She accepts her loss and has moved on. She still talks about her Dad some and she misses him, but she doesn't wallow in it.

The Wilson Twins "broke up" when Hendrix's new wife found out she was pregnant. Hendrix wanted to be home with his family. Growing up with a father who was a musician had been tough for Jo's brothers. They were almost always left at home when their dad was touring. For Jo though, she went with him a lot. So she knew if she decided to continue her music career she could bring JJ with her. Hendrix didn't want that, neither did his wife. Jo was happy for them and understood his decision.

Jo decides to stick with music, but she wants to change things up. She feels like she's done the country thing. She wants to try and switch genres. Maybe rock, but more than likely pop. She just wants to be able to play guitar, like her dad. She's meeting with her manager this week to discuss it.

She feels good about having this meeting coming up, it makes her feel like life is really beginning to move forward. She jots down some lyrics and sends them to Jordan.

"When you hear the music ringin' in your soul
And you feel it in your heart and it grows and grows
And it came from the backstreet rock and roll and the healing has begun
That's where we come from, man"

Jo is getting ready for her meeting with her manager when she gets a call from Jordan.

"Hey J!" He loves when she calls him J.

"Hey Jo, how'd you know it was me?"

"I saved your number last time you called. Like a year ago. How are you doing."

"I'm good. I called because I'm doing a solo album and I'd really love it if you'd do a song with me."

"Well actually, I have a meeting today with my manager. So we can discuss options. I'll see what they think. But I think it would be fun. Do you have a song already?"

Jordan feels excited about the possibility of working with Jo. "No, I don't have a song yet, I was thinking we could write one together. If that's okay with you. I remember you being good with lyrics."

"That sounds amazing J. I'd love that. Let's do it."

"What about your label and management team? Don't you have to talk to them first? They might have other ideas for you."

Jo laughs, "J, don't you know me at all? I make my own decisions."

Jo's meeting goes well. Her team actually likes the idea of her doing some music with Jordan. They think it will make her transition from country to pop a lot easier. So her manager is going to hash out all the details with Jordan's and get a schedule set up. Right now the only issue they see is Jo and Jordan are on opposite sides of the country. Jo's in California and Jordan's in Boston.

The next week Jordan flies out to California to discuss a schedule that will work for both teams. Splitting their time between both places. They all decide they will try a week at each location. So no one has to be gone from home more than a week at a time.

The arrangement is really more for Jo, so she doesn't have to leave JJ for more than a week at a time. And since she's in school now, Jo can't take her out of school to go to Boston. And Jo isn't ready for JJ to be hanging around the recording studio yet. So Presley agrees to keep her the weeks Jo is in Boston.

Jo will go to Boston first, that way in three weeks when JJ's ninth birthday comes around Jo will be home for it. They've already planned a big party and Jo refuses to miss any special days with her daughter.

JJ sits and asks Jo a million questions as she packs to go to Boston. "Momny is Jordan the nice man that gave me the locket?"

"No sweetheart, that was Jon, he's Jordan's brother."

"Where are you going to be staying in Boston? And why can't I come with you? I've never been there, it would be fun to watch you sing."

"I'll be staying at whatever hotel they put me up in. I'll call you as soon as I get there and I'll give you my phone number. Honey, you have school. You can't miss a week of school. Maybe another week. But we won't be singing yet, we have to write the song. We'll see what's going on when you are out for Spring Break."

"Why are you singing with a new person, Mommy? Is he going to be your new partner, like Uncle Hendy was? How do you know Jordan? He knew Daddy too? He talked to me at Daddy's goodbye service. Was he friends with Daddy?"

"Are you packed for Uncle Presley's house? You're in here asking me too many questions when you should be getting all your stuff ready. Don't forget to pack a weeks worth of uniforms, socks and underwear. When you're done bring me your suitcase so I can check it."

JJ huffs out of the room to go finish packing. Jo doesn't want to answer her questions about Jordan and how they know each other yet. It will just lead her daughter, who is way too smart, to ask more questions.

Presley shows up to get JJ about thirty minutes early. Jo knows that means he wants to talk to her before she leaves. Jo is in JJ's room when he comes up the stairs. He hugs JJ and says, "Sis, can we talk before you leave?"

"Yeah. JJ, pack more socks and undies. And sleep clothes, play clothes, shoes...come on you've packed a suitcase before. I'll be back in ten minutes and you better be done."

Presley follows her into her bedroom and shuts the door behind him. "Are you sure spending so much time with Jordan is such a good idea? What happens when he's here in California and spends any amount of time with JJ?"

"What are you talking about Pres?"

He looks at his sister and shakes his head, "You and Darren might have been okay overlooking it, but once Jordan spends even the smallest amount of time with her he'll see exactly what Jon has. What all of us have."

Jo's getting angry, "What the fuck are you saying Presley James?"

"I'm saying she looks just like him. And everyone sees it but you. Jon knows. I could see it in his eyes at the funeral. Luckily he's a good man and didn't say anything, but how long do you think that will last? You really think he'll keep it to himself forever that she's his brother's daughter?"

"Shut up Presley. Just shut the fuck up. Don't you ever say that again. Darren is her dad. He loves her, he raised her. She is his." Jo begins to cry. Mostly because she let Darren claim JJ as his all these years, now he is gone. Now JJ is without a father, but does she have to be? If Jordan knew the truth would he step up and be a dad to her? Would JJ want him to be?

"Jo, I'm sorry, I'm just saying, its going to come up sooner or later. I think sooner would be better. I love you sis. But I love my niece too. Life is rough for little girls without dads. Maybe she doesn't have to be without one. Think about it okay?" He kisses her cheek and leaves to check on JJ.

"Be good baby girl. Don't give your uncle any trouble. I'll call you tonight okay? And I'll see you in a week. If you forgot anything Uncle Pres has a key I love you a bushel and a peck."

"And a hug around the neck." JJ finishes as she hugs Jo around the neck.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now