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Five years later...

Jordan and Donnie have been busy working on some new songs for what feels like forever. Jordan needs a break from their work. He turns on the radio just clear his head with someone else's music. Jordan hears a beautiful voice singing on the radio he thinks he recognizes it. But he knows he's never heard this song. "Donnie, who's this song by?"

Donnie shakes his head, "No idea, sounds good though. Too bad it's country. God I hate country music." He makes a face and a sound like he is gagging.  Jordan laughs, but can't shake the voice, it is definitely familiar.

They listen to the rest of the song and when the radio DJ comes back on he announces it's the new song by the new duet, The Wilson Twins.

Donnie looks up at Jordan, "There you go bro, it's The Wilson Twins, whoever the hell they are. Can we get back to our song now?"

"The Wilson Twins? Holy shit, Donnie, the Wilson twins, Joplin and Hendrix Wilson? Jo Wilson? Ring any bells? Their dad Jimmy Wilson was our guitarist for years."

"Yeah Jordan, of course I know who Jo, Hendrix and Jimmy are" Donnie says rolling his eyes at Jordan. "But do you really think your Jo is part of these Wilson Twins?"

Jordan goes from being excited about hearing what he knows is her voice, a voice he's missed over the years to being serious and defensive, "She was never my Jo, Donnie. We had a little fun, then she left and got married. And I never heard from her again. I wonder when she started singing with her brother?"

"Yeah okay Jordan, you were just having a little fun with her. If you were just having a little fun, why did you get all mopey and heartbroken when she left? Yeah, I remember all about it. And since that look on your face says you don't want to talk about it, can we get back to this song, it's not going to finish itself."

Jordan sighs and pushes the memory of her leaving out of his head, then gets back to work with Donnie.

Jordan stops by the record store on his way home that night. He goes right for the country section. He finds the Wilson Twins in the new releases. Shit, no photo on the cover. He buys the cd, maybe there'll be a photo inside, he hopes. If this is her he's excited for her. She'd always been sitting around writing lyrics in that stupid book of hers. He knows she's very talented musically. Without seeing a picture of her on the cover, he already knows it's his Jo. He'd spent plenty of time with her, listening to her sing, to know her voice anywhere. Her voice was always so unique, unlike any other female artist he'd ever heard.

He tears open the cd as soon as he gets into his car and puts the cd into his CD player. He pulls the booklet out of the case. Her voice runs through his speakers as he opens the booklet, there she is. A little older, but more beautiful than ever. She was only 21 last time he saw her, now she has to be 26. He wonders  if she's still married. He tries to get a good look at her left hand, to see if there's a wedding ring on it. He can't tell. So he checks the thank yous. She thanks her father, her brothers, her producer, her hair dresser, her makeup artist (for making her beautiful), as if she needs any help there. Finally she thanks her best friend and husband Darren and their beautiful baby girl JJ.

So there it is, what he'd been looking for. They are still married and they have a daughter. He's still happy for her. He's glad she is doing good. He's never wished her anything but happiness. He'd been truly hurt when she left, but he wanted her to be happy. If he wasn't the one for her, he was glad she'd gotten to be with the man that was.

He reads that last of her Thank Yous, there's one that catches his eye. "And a heartfelt Thank You to someone who inspired me, supported me and always believed in my talent. If he's reading this, he'll know who he is. He is one of the dearest friends I've ever had and I've missed him greatly over the years." He smiles, in his heart he knows she's thanking him.

Lyrics and Love: Say Goodbye (A Jordan Knight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now