Part 1 Prologue

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Ramsay Snow sat in his sister's emptied chambers, at the desk that was deteriorating with each passing day. He traced his fingers over the divets in its wood, dagger marks. His blue eyes danced over Rhaenyra's letter. She wanted him at Winterfell. Twisting his face at looped letters, he leaned back into the high back chair. He gripped its arms as the letter stopped. Contemplating, he smoothed the parchment over the desk. Ramsay pressed his gloved hands to his cheeks. 

His eyes met the seal that he delicately slid off. The grey wax evoked a sour feeling in his chest, rage came at the sight of the dire wolf head. Ramsay chucked it over his shoulder, pulling the dagger in the back of his belt as he did. Slowly he read over the letter. His eyes stopped at the mention of his two nephews, he struck the letter with the tip of the dagger at the beautifully written 'Domeric'. The paper was now imbeded into the desk. 

"Ramsay!" Quickly he pulled the dagger from the desk, crumbling the parchment into his pocket. 

"Coming father," he called back. Ramsay left the room, nearly falling into his father as he did. "My apologies, Lord Bolton." 

Roose leaned away from his son, looking the boy over. "Lord Stark has called the banners, I am leaving to see your sister at once. You will be acting Lord of the Dreadfort until I return." A false smile on his face, Ramsay nodded. 

"Please father, send my sister my blessings. And thank you for this honor."  His hand reached into his pocket, silently ripping the parchment between his fingers. Roose left him in the hallway, leaving him alone in his rage-filled state.

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