Part 15

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Catelyn whispered to Rhaenyra as she assisted in dressing her. Each was kind words she needed. The two would cess their comments as their eyes turned to Brienne of Tarth. Rhaenyra admired her protective stance, she exuded knighthood. The sexist rule of knights was horrid, from what she knew Brienne was a stronger fighter than the dishonorable knights she's met. Her thoughts quickly drifted to the Kingslayer. 

She turned toward Brienne, who stood against the tent's wall.  She wore a simple tunic and skirt, it hung awkwardly on her body. Her slim hand laid against her sword that rested against her waist. The sadness in her eyes was still present. 

Rhaenyra giggled as Brienne attempted to avert her gaze as Catelyn began to tie her corset. Brienne's face was flushed. "My lady," she did not turn. "I heard you beat Loras Tyrell in single combat." 

"Yes, your grace." 

Rhaenyra heaved as Catelyn pulled her corset. She scowled at her good mother, "Very commendable. He is one of the strongest knights of Westeros. You threw him to the dirt."

"Thank you, your grace." 

Rhaenyra heaved as her mother in law abruptly pulled the strings tightly. She rolled her eyes, "You're trying to break me aren't you?" Catelyn laughed lightly before tightening the strings more. "You're very determined Lady Brienne," she rested her hands against her waist to ease the pressure forced against it. "Lady Stark speaks of your admirable loyalty constantly." Catelyn finished tying the constricting undergarment and Rhaenyra walked to the bed. She reached for her dress, pulling it over her person. "I have a proposition for you," her voice was muffled by the fabric. She pushed her head through to finally meet Brienne's gaze. 

"Your grace?"

"The loyalty you offered your king, I accept the same." Rhaenyra sat on the bed, pushing her fingers through her shortened hair as she did. Catelyn turned to the dresser behind her to retrieve a brush. She slapped Rhaenyra's hands away and began to comb her hair. Rhaenyra childishly rolled her eyes before turning back to Brienne, "I would like you to guard my sons, the Princes of the North." 

Brienne's eyes widened, "Your grace," Rhaenyra interrupted. 

"I find myself not being able to protect them at all times. I find Lady Stark's trust in you to be commendable." Brienne stood straighter at her words, "Please, my Lady." Her desperation was evident in her words. "I will offer you protection. Any many who harms you, disrespect you in any way will be reprimanded. I swear."  She pushed Catelyn's hands away and stood from the bed. Rhaenyra clasped her hands together, attempting to hide her distress with her composure. "Please." 

Brienne nodded, smiling at Rhaenyra. "I shall guard the Stark children."  

Hours later, Rhaenyra sat uncomfortably beside Robb. The Northern Lords had insisted once again on a feast outside, yearning for the coolness of the Riverland's nights. Domeric was hidden amongst the horde, enjoying the attention of his grandfather or grandmother. He had taken an interesting infatuation with his new guard. The child lovingly called her Ser Brienne. Henry sat against his mother, face hidden against her neck. He fell asleep after being fed soft squash and broth, as well as a few sweets his father snuck him.  

Rhaenyra rubbed her hand against her child's back. Her eyes wandered over the sea of  Northmen to see her father whispering to Domeric, she turned away toward Robb. She had not properly looked at him in hours. His blue eyes were heavy, he clearly had not rested well. His hair was unkempt and his cloak was thrown over his shoulders. The King in the North looked awfully stressed. Rhaenyra felt no sympathy,  she was still upset with him. 

"You're still not speaking to me?" Robb questioned as his eyes met hers. She did not answer. "Rhaenyra." 

"Robb." She teased. "I am punishing you for your idiocy in trusting Theon." Rhaenyra sat straighter in her seat as she heard the low growl from Grey Wind. "Perhaps I am more upset at my own stupidity. I should have stayed. We would not have this fear over Bran and Rickon if I had stayed." 

Robb sighed, "I need you here. Even if you're hardly saying anything to me." He took a sip from his drink before speaking. "I lifted the ban on flaying for your brother, just as I did for you. Will you write to him tonight asking for his status?" Rhaenyra nodded, reaching to grasp his hand. 

"Winterfell will be safe." She turned to see Ser Alton Lannister being brought forward. Her eyes looked to the two Lords who pulled him forward by the shoulders, nearly dragging him. Her father and Lord Karstark shoved him before the high table. Rhaenyra tightened her hand around her husband's, angry the war was to be brought up during her son's name-day celebration. "Ser Alton."

"Queen Rhaenyra, King Robb." He nodded to the two. "I bring news from King's Landing."

"What did she say?" Robb questioned, he moved forward in his seat. 

"She admired your Stark spirit, your grace, your honor. And that of who she called the Pretty Wolf." His green eyes shifted to Rhaenyra. 

"What else?" She said. Ser Alton began to stutter over his words, causing Robb to reach for Grey Wind slightly. The wolf's growls became louder as Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. 

"If every man were held accountable for the actions of every distant relative, Ser Alton, we'd all hang," Rhaenyra sniggered at her husband's words. 

Ser Alton looked to the wolf who sat at the feet of the Northern monarch's, "She tore the paper in half your grace." 

"You've acted with honor. I thank you for it. Lord Karstark, see that Ser Alton's pen is clean, and give him a hot supper." 

"Ser Alton's pen is occupied, Your Grace. The prisoners from the Yellow Fork," spoke Lord Karstark. 

Roose smiled slightly, turning to Rhaenyra. "Too many prisoners," he spoke with his usual sick pride. 

"Does he need to lie down," Rhaenyra questioned. She looked over the drained knight as he struggled to stand. 

"Have the men build him a new pen. Put him in with the Kingslayer for now. Have your boy watch over them," Robb said. 

Roose and Lord Karstark walked toward the camp, Lord Karstark calling for his son as they departed. Rhaenyra turned back to the crowd, searching for Domeric once more. "You're too kind. Wanting all our prisoners to have their own pen." 

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