Part 5

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"The birdy's falling!" Screamed Domeric as he pointed to the sky. A raven, leaving the direction of the Twins barrelled toward the ground. An arrow shot through its feathered body. His blue eyes followed the dying animal until it hit the ground, he then watched as Theon picked up the bird in his hands and pulled a letter from its small carrier. 

"Want to play with it, little Lord?" He laughed, tossing the bird back to the ground. Domeric's eyes widened and he went to stand closer to his father, hiding behind his legs and under his cloak. 

He heard his mother snidely speak to the ward, "Don't disrespect my son." Rhaenyra coldly looked to Theon, her violet eyes burning into his. "Apologize, for I fear he will remain under that cloak until you do." 

"Fine," Theon crouched before the father and son. "My Lord Stark, I am sorry for frightening you. Please join our discussions once more." He smiled at the child as he emerged from the heavy cloak.

 Domeric slowly walked to Theon, "Please don't choose my toys for me." He nodded to the young Lord, returning to his height as he did. The ward handed the scrolled letter to Robb. 

Rhaenyra anxiously stood beside her husband, cradling her youngest son in a sling across her chest. She watched as he opened the tight scroll with shaky hands and gave a shattered breath as his shoulders dropped in ease. Robb turned to her, "It's a birthday message to his niece." Rhaenyra's grip on her son tightened as worry encased her. The thought of the Freys conspiring with the Lannisters was fearful. 

She gazed down to the muddy graze, noticing the light snow that littered the blades. "Keep shooting them down," Theon nodded and eagerly grabbed his bow. Her eyes followed him as he ran down the hill, eyes searching the sky for ravens. "You can never be so sure." Robb hummed in response. He looked toward her,  noticing the shakiness of her hands as they delicately held their child. 

"I'll hold him." She shook her head. "Love-,"

"If I let him go then I won't feel safe," her eyes shifted to Domeric who left their side. "Just let me hold him," Robb said nothing. He joined her in watching Domeric run to his grandmother, watching as he eagerly spoke to her. It was a joy to see their faces brighten together. "We can't risk Walder sending word of our movements to the Lannisters." 

Robb sighed, "We need to cross." 

"Do we even know if he will allow us to?"

"He is my grandfather's bannerman." 

Rhaenyra turned to him, a hand falling from Henry to reach toward Robb. "That means nothing to him," her hand rested against his arm. "Your mother describes him as if he is filth and I fear we may be disappointed with the outcome of our meeting." 

"All my men say we should just slit his throat and be done with it. Take the Twins for our own," Rhaenyra smiled at the thought. 

"Our way is never easy though." Robb wrapped his arms around her, mindful of Henry who separated the two. He kissed the crown of her head then pulled away to gaze down toward their child. 

He laughed lightly, "How can he sleep through everything?" Rhaenyra shrugged. "Domeric cried constantly, but I feel the gods blessed us with a quiet son for a reason. What it is, I do not know." His gloved fingers caressed the feathery red hair that began to curl on Henry's head. 

"My Lord!" Screamed Lord Karstark, causing the two to separate fully. Rhaenyra quickly glanced at Domeric, seeing Catelyn held him in her arms. She then turned toward the distance, seeing two men approaching on horseback. 

"You're sure you want to do this?" Questioned Rhaenyra. 

"My father rots in a dungeon, my sisters are prisoners. How long until they are butchered?" She nodded and reached for his hand.

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